Try pressing space when you land on the folder name.

Larry & Flax GD (Guide Dog)
& Elliot RTG (Retired Guide Dog)
London, UK

Multiple Installer
Flash Updater

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of jim rawls
Sent: 03 July 2011 21:09
Subject: [JAWS-Users] An outlook 2007 question, and I think it is a jaws

Hi All,
I am running windows 7 on this computer with outlook 2007, and jaws 12 on a
64 bit machine. 
I have several folders in outlook, and I have them off of my "In Box. When I
want to read a message in one of these folders, the message won't read when
I enter the folder. It will read, if I tab over to, it, but it doesn't land
on the message when I open the folder. If I hit control Y and go to that
folder, it will open and read the messages. The Reading pain is set to off.
So, I have my In Box, and then, all the folders I have created after that,
and if I go directly to one of those folders without hitting control Y
first, the messages will not read when I hit enter on that folder. They only
read if I hit control Y first. Why can't I just go to a folder, hit enter,
and see the list of messages? 
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