Does it matter which one I unstall?
I can get to the device manager and the display adapter area
Then I used the application key to up arrow to uninstall
Does it matter which one I uninstall?
My computer is working just fine with the two there so
What would you do?

Keep Smiling,
Janie Degenshein
"Happiness isn't having what you want, but wanting what you already have"
Access Tech Consultant
Facilitator of ECHO
(Eyes Closed Hearts Open)
President, National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey Senior Division
Co-host of OTBS On The Bright Side
-----Original Message----- From: jim
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2012 11:04 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] re-display adapters

Hi Jamie:
You only need one F S mirror driver on your computer. No hurry, when you get a chance call F S tech. support and let them walk you through the process of getting down to one driver. I am comfortable enough that I changed mine, however, I would not recommend someone doing so unless they know their way around the device manager.
I hope this helps.
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