OK boys and girls here is what I have come up with this morning before I
decide to do something else I decided to take a detailed look at the key map
files provided by FS and what the difference was since I started messing
around with them yesterday. 
The following code is taken from the key map file that I created and
underneath it is the code provided by FS. Note the subtle discrepancy in the
string of text. It is so slight I almost missed it but something just didn't
ring right so I took a closer look. 
This is from my own outlook 2003 key map file, but the same holds true in
all of the rest. Note: so far I can only confirm this in outlook express and
outlook 2003. 
NB: do not try and modify their key map files, create your own instead. The
fact is if I can confirm that this works in outlook 2007 / 2010 I might just
zip up all four key map files and put them up for download. They are only 8
kb each so compressed virtually nothing. 
[Common Keys]

[Common Keys]
David Ferrin
Always be yourself because the people that matter don't mind, and the ones
that mind don't matter.
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