There are several displays that will work well, or reasonably well, with JAWS. I know that any of the Focus Blue models will go nicely with JAWS, as well as possibly having other uses such as with Bluetooth on mobile phone. The Focus40 Blue is a lot slimmer than your powerBraille 40 (which isn't being made any more, of course). It's also shorter; and there are now appearing newer models of the focus Blue which are smaller than the one I got last year.

Sight & Sound can advise on availability and price. Tris is perhaps the most knowledgeable guy in their tech support on braille displays there. Blazie UK also know their stuff.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mick Du Buisson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Problem with JAWS BrailleIn

Hi there flora, I have at pres, pb40, you now can tell that it's old. It app 16 years old and conked out the other costing me £200 for repair so i don't think it's lifespan is much longer. Which knew Braille display could
you recc for me... mick dubo

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Flor Lynch
Sent: 22 July 2012 12:34
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Problem with JAWS BrailleIn

This is being brailled with the Focus 40 Blue.

This is after pressing its enter key twice.

No problem.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Grant Hardy" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 12:37 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Problem with JAWS BrailleIn

Hello all,

I have a problem with the JAWS BrailleIn feature. I'm running the
latest build of JAWS 13, and Windows 7 Ultimate.

The problem is when I try to quickly insert two new line characters on
my Braille display by pressing ENTER twice in succession. Rather than
inserting the two new lines, JAWS instead exhibits some weird
behaviour which is difficult to explain. It usually inserts one new
line character as requested, but doesn't insert the other. Instead, I
notice that either my cursor has been moved slightly, or there's a
random space that has appeared somewhere on the new line, or both
things happen. Again, it's the weirdest thing and very difficult to
explain. But basically, I can't insert two new line characters in a
row properly. The only way is to insert a new line, type some text,
move my cursor back, and then insert the other new line.

At the moment I'm using a Humanware BrailleNote as my Braille display,
so it's very possible that the behaviour is specific to the Humanware

Has anyone experienced any odd behaviour like this with any model of
Braille display?



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