Seen the problem in the worst way but will have to verify the compatibility 
mode is enabled in the customized IE9. I will confirm to morrow.

Sent from mobile device

On Nov 20, 2012, at 3:55 PM, Michael Moore <> wrote:

> I have a quick question. We are experiencing a problem with several
> internal dynamic web applications when using JAWS 13 or 14 with IE9. If the
> form is updated dynamically on the client side via java script JAWS is
> failing to see the change in the form and is misreporting form field labels
> until you press JAWSkey+esc. This issue does not happen when using FireFox
> 13. We have also determined that the problem does not occur unless IE9 is
> in compatibility mode. Has anyone else seen this problem and does anyone
> know any way of getting around the issue besides JAWSkey+esc?
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