inorder to find an archived jaws users mailing list thread, what I do is type in my internet search engine the subject such as mcaffee and jaws or using mcaffee with jaws and I get a thread about it from the jaws users mailing list. now it does not list everything just what your searching for but that’s what I do!

-----Original Message----- From: Kimsan
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 12:21 AM
To: jaws users
Subject: [JAWS-Users] archives

Hi folks,

Am I in the right area lol.  I suare I thought there was an archives page, I
clicked on it and it says: The Archives

The Archives

No messages have been posted to this list yet, so the archives are
currently empty.

Let me go try again, sorry, but I am not sure how many read the archives and
if you don't give it a spin around the block, you will have a nice ride.

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