Dear Flor,
We did try saving as a print file, in a couple of different ways and with at 
least one other programme in addition to Adobe.  (I handed that bit over to a 
technician so I don't have the details.)  The Adobe produced the no spaces 
version, and that on the machine not running Jaws.  The other software did work 
in one sense, it produced words and lines, but unfortunately the original 
document is formatted in two columns and they were merged with horrible 
consequences to the sense and usefulness of the document.

I did try raw stream, it produced exactly the same effect as left to right, top 
to bottom, one word one line.

I don't know if an OCR  approach was tried on the other machine (I'll check, 
thank you), I didn't, and I don't have a good OCR programme, or not one that 
saves to text anyway.  Thanks for the thoughts, ... any other spring to mind?

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