Hi, I'm using jaws 15, with the latest updated patch and outlook 2010.  I
have figured out how to most things I want to, but how do you sort messages
by subject, sender, and other things.  I can't seem to find this in the
ribbons.  It may be called by another name, so any help would be greatly
appreciated.  Also, I take it that when you reply to someone, they aren't
automatically entered into your address book anymore as they were in outlook
express with xp.  If this is indeed the case, how do you enter addresses and
names and make sure they're right in your address book.  It seems to have
many of them in my suggested contacts but not in address book where email
contacts should go, and I don't know how to put them there.  Also, how would
this work when copying addresses in by hand without replying to them such as
getting them off my old xp computer?  Thanks a bunch for this help with
outlook and jaws and have a blessed day.  

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