I think I have the WLM settings working since I am able to open other attachments.
Maybe this particular one is corrupted?

-----Original Message----- From: Mike B.
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2014 9:22 AM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Opening attachment and fixes?

Hi Richard,

Here some notes I've saved on saving / reading attachments in WLM:
From: David
Hello there;
You first need to have WLM allow attachments;

1, open WLM,
2, alt+f=file,
3, O=options,
4, S=safety options,
5, shift+tab once to options tab,
6, right arrow until you hear;
Security tab,
7, now tab and uncheck the box;
Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a
Now tab to okay press enter.

To read an attachment,
1, open the message which contains the attached file,
2, now shift+tab,
You should see the attached file,
Press enter.
You should hear;
Do you want to open this file?
If you do, just tab to open.
You also have the option to save the attachment,
1, open the message which contains the attached file,
2,press alt+f=file,
3, S=save file,
Down arrow and enter on save attachments,
Now you will first hear the name of the attached file,
Tab once you'll see/hear, the destination of where the file will be saved,
Now tab and enter on the save button.

Hope this helps.

From: Dean Masters
hit alt + f then s then a

A dialog will come up which includes a browse button if you need to change
where to save the attachment.


From: Cornelius
First, open the message which contains the attachment. Then, go to the file
menu, and the save sup menu. Look for save attachments. From there I guest
you know how do do it.
Take care.
This email was sent from my, iBarstool.

----- Original Message ----- From: Richard Hamel
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2014 4:21 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Opening attachment and fixes?

Thanks Mike,
  I don't know how to save the attachment.
First of all, it is a document from a friend.
Initially I got a message, when I tried to open it that I could go on line
to find a program to open it.
I tried one of the suggestions but did not know how to use it, and I kept
getting a message to buy something.
Then, I clicked on the other option, when trying to open it, to use programs
I had on my PC.
I clicked on Acrobat reader then got an error message that the file might
be corrupted or something.
Now, I don't get any option when trying to open it, to use an existing
program or go on line to search for one.

Again, how do I save the attachment?
When I get to "the attachment " section my choices are to open, or cancel.
I've looked in the menus and applications, but do not get an option to save.

I am able to copy/paste the message body in word pad, but not the

How frustrating.

Thanks for any help.


-----Original Message----- From: Michael Boyd
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2014 12:53 AM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Opening attachment and fixes?

   Hello again Richard,

Do you know the type of file that this is? Try to save the attachment
instead of opening it, to be able to tell more about what type of file it
is, etc. Then if you trust the file, do an online search for an application
that will convert the file to something you can open with a program on your
computer. There is a web site, http://www.file.org/, where you can input the
file extension, and it will give you all the information about the file, and
what programs can be used to open it. It will also tell you if the extension
is usually associated with a known malware or the like.
Michael  Boyd
Retired Structural Engineer
New Orleans Area

From: "Richard Hamel" <rcha...@bellsouth.net>
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 2:17 PM
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Opening attachment and fixes?

Hi all,

  15.0 and win7.

I tried to open an attachment in WLM and got a message that it could not

I was given an option to go on line to find a file association, or some
other phrase to fix the problem.

I clicked on the recommended box and proceeded  to download a program.

Now that I've installed this program, how do I use it to open the

I went to the e mail and opened the attachment and still got an error

The program was called "PC mighty max".

Thanks for any help.


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