Am I right in saying that the different files that you have saved in this file on your desktop are in different folders on your C: drive? or not. It looks to me as if the computer does not know where to look for the files in the folder. Since a desktop shortcut must be targeted to a specific folder on your computer to work properly. Then trying to open the file is not going to work except by the Control + O command, but by pressing Control + O, you tell the computer exactly where to look for the file, hence it opens. So, if you want all of the files saved to this folder to open by simply clicking on them, move them all to the same folder, and make the shortcut point to this folder. Right click on the desktop shortcut, then select Properties. You should open on the Shortcut Tab, and the first item should be "Target". Make sure that the string typed in this field is the location of the folder where your files are saved. Then tab down the list and click on Apply and then on OK.


-----Original Message----- From: leonard morris
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 8:49 AM
To: jaws
Subject: [JAWS-Users] can not open an excel 2013 file

I've created a shortcut folder on my desktop called office. Included in
this folder is a folder called MS 2013 where I can open xlsx and word
documents. Some documents open and then some will not. When a
spreadsheet or document doesn't open I get the following error message
with the ugly windows sound. I've tried changing the name of the
spreadshee but the error message comes back. Now, if I open a blank
excel work book and then use ctrl o to open this same spreadsheet it
opens just fine.

Save As graphic 798
graphic 820 graphic 820  graphic 647  Computer Gateway (C:) temp graphic
530  graphic 109  graphic 875
Organize New folder graphic 725  graphic 470
graphic 726  Favorites graphic 192  Name # Title Contributing artists Alb
graphic 433  Links graphic 647  playlist 01graphic 694  My
Documentsgraphic 545  graphic 647  playlist 02graphic 864  My Music
graphic 217  My Pictures graphic 779 graphic 145  My Videos
graphic 647  My_SpeakOn_
graphic 846  OneDrive graphic 11 graphic 380  Saved Games
graphic 741  Searches graphic 724
graphic 704  Computer graphic 540 graphic 667  Network graphic 932
graphic 257  graphic 756
chemo treatment scheduleFile name:
Save as type: Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet (*.xls)
Save CancelHide Folders graphic 284

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