I am not quite sure what you are referring to as a "Personal Page", as to me, this is the page that I see when I sign into my Facebook account, and also what others see when they visit my page. However, if you mean "Pages", then I think I might be able to help you out. A "Page" can be created by any Facebook member, and it can be about any topic that he or she would like it to be about, within Facebook's Terms and Conditions of course. For instance, I have created a page for a nonprofit organization to which I belong to, and it was very easy to create. I first recommend that no one try to do this from the regular Facebook web site, only use the mobile site: http://m.facebook.com, or the Facebook mobile app either on an iPhone or Android phone. I like using the mobile web site on my computer, simply for the reason that it is faster than trying to enter a lot of information on a phone. When you go to the Facebook web site, you will find just below where the links to your messages, notifications, etc. are listed, and just abouve the search field, a link to Pages. Clicking on this link will bring you to a page where you will have the opportunity to search for a particular page that belongs to someone else, create a new page, or edit an existing page that you manage. Naturally, to create a page, simply click on that link to get started. When creating a new page, you will be presented several edit fields, combo boxes, etc. to format your page as you would like it. First you will give your page a name, then you can enter a short description of what the page is about, this must be brief, as I believe you only have 150 characters or so available to input into this field. A little further down the creation page, you will have the opportunity to enter a broader description of your page and or just tell about yourself or whatever. You will also be given the opportunity to post pictures and important events that might have or will be happening. There are a few other fields that you can fill out, not all are required, and I believe they consist of things like your location and so on. When you are finished setting up your page, at the end of the page creation section, you will find an I agree check box, and a Create Page button. If you have done everything correctly and within Facebook's guidelines, your page will be created. From this point forward, you should visit your page often to update the information posted to it, removing temporary events which have past, adding new pictures, and whatever you would like to do with it. Pages can be a fun way of sharing your information, allowing other people to get a better insight into your life to the extent that you post, and to hear what others think of the things that you have posted there.

I hope that this gives you a good picture of how to go about creating a page, and that you find it helpful in creating your own page. Note: If you use a iPhone to create your page, I believe you will find some of the pertinent links in the dock. Please feel free to check out my own page, which as said, was created to promote a nonprofit organization that I am the vice president of, it is called Bayou Region Chapter of Affiliated Blind of Louisiana. The page is relatively new, and does not have many postings yet, but it will give you an example.


-----Original Message----- From: Kevin Lee
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2015 8:21 AM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: [JAWS-Users] facebook personal page

can someone explain to me what a facebook personal page is and how to create one from a blind persons point of view. facebook explains it but its from the point of view for a person who has sight. I realize this would be extensive but it would be helpful not only to me but I think to many visually challenged persons.
Email is golden!!!
Kevin Lee
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