If you're running windows 8 just use windows defender. Otherwise, use microsoft Security Essentials. That's what I've been doing at least. I'm happy. If you need a download link for Security Essentials (remember windows defender is actually Security Essentials if you're running windows 8 or 8.1 or 10 so don't download security essentials for those OS's)

also in case someone realizes that Windows 7 has Windows Defender, that is not Security Essentials on Windows Vista and Windows 7, completely different program just to confuse everyone so Security Essentials is still Relevant there.

Cheers, Sent with Thunderbird 31.3.0 portable
On 5/14/2015 7:14 AM, Tom Behler wrote:
Hello, everyone.

You may recall that, a few days ago, I was having trouble with a program on
my computer running in the background, and interfering with Jaws.

Originally, I thought the problem was with Java.

Apparently, the problem was not with Java, but was with the latest version
of the AVG anti-virus software.  I think the version number is AVG 15.

Last night, an AVG update occurred, which literally made Jaws totally

I've now completely uninstalled AVG, and Jaws works perfectly.

Has anyone else had this problem with AVG, and if so, how did you deal with

If AVG is not the most Jaws-friendly anti-virus program to be using with
Jaws, does someone have recommendations for a more Jaws-friendly anti-virus

I'd prefer to stick with free anti-virus software if possible.

Any help would be appreciated, since I am not comfortable running this
computer without anti-virus software.

For the record, I'm using Jaws 14 on this windows 7 computer.

Dr.  Tom Behler from Michigan

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