Yes, just follow my previous instructions.
this is new with mcafee, so I had to uninstall the safe search and reinstall to get the toolbar to show up in I e 11.

-----Original Message----- From: anna vimini
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 12:14 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] internet security suite

Hi Jim,
thanks I will have to try and do what you said because my tool bar is
missing from internet explorer 11
I was just going to waite until another program update to see if it
fixes on its own but it looks like I will have to do what you said
thanks again
Re: [JAWS-Users] internet security suite
Follow up to mcafee web advisor:
Look in the toolbar menu of I e 11, and you should see the following:
Mcafee site advisor toolbar checked.
if you do not see this toolbar for mcafee there, do the following.
You could try uninstalling, mcafee web advisor.
Now after removing it, restart your computer.
Open up the mcafee program.
Go to, web and email protection.
Arrow down to, where it says, site advisor live, available.
Press enter on that, and follow the rest of the steps from the mcafee
Now when you are done with that, the next time you open I E 11, you should
get a notification asking you to activate the mcafee toolbar. ALT+n,
tell it
to allow the toolbar and you are done.
Your safe search bar and web site protection will be active.
Unlike previous versions, we can not read, the color advisories, but my
tells me they are still there.
if you try to go to an unsafe site, you will get a web page from mcafee
Wo, are you sure you want to go to that website, proceed or cancel,
something to that effect.
I hope this helps...

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