Hi Ed,

Text Analyzer explained, From the JAWS help file:

When editing a document using speech only, inconsistencies such as unmatched
parentheses, unintentional format changes, extra whitespace, and stray or
unspaced punctuation can often be missed. Text Analyzer is a tool that
notifies you of these errors in your document by using a spoken message or
WAV file. You can configure JAWS to announce discrepancies by count, by
description, or by sound while proofreading the document by line, sentence,
paragraph, or Say All command. Braille users will benefit from this since a
sound can be emitted before the user has time to read the entire line
looking for errors.

Turning On Text Analyzer
Text Analyzer is off by default. To turn it on, do one of the following:

  a.. Use the layered keystroke, INSERT+SPACEBAR, A. By pressing and
releasing INSERT+SPACEBAR, and then pressing A, the Text Analyzer can be
toggled on or off.
  b.. Open Settings Center (INSERT+F2). In the Search edit box type "text
analyzer" without the quotes. Press DOWN ARROW to move to Text Analyzer in
the filtered results. Press SPACEBAR to select an alert notification.
  c.. Use Quick Settings (INSERT+V). The process for selecting an alert
notification is the same as the Settings Center procedure described above.
If multiple issues are identified in the document, press ALT+WINDOWS Key+I
to move to the next item, or ALT+SHIFT+WINDOWS Key+I to move to the previous
item. Note that these keystrokes can still be used even if Text Analyzer is

Text Analyzer Options
Use the radio buttons in this group to determine the type of alert used to
indicate errors when editing or proofreading a document by line, sentence,
paragraph, or Say All command. Select Indicate with Sound to play a WAV file
when a formatting error is detected. Select Speak Count to announce the
number of inconsistencies in the current text. Select Describe
Inconsistencies for a description of the error. The default setting is off.

Indicate Mismatched Symbols
Select this check box to enable the detection of mismatched symbols such as
parenthesis, braces, brackets, angle brackets, and quotes. If this check box
is cleared, the items in the Symbols to Check group are not available.

Symbols to Check
Select one or more check boxes to search for mismatched parentheses, braces,
brackets, angle brackets, or quotes where the equivalent opening or closing
symbol is missing. These check boxes are only available when the Indicate
Mismatched Symbols check box is selected.

Inconsistencies to Check
Select one or more check boxes to identify inconsistencies with stray
punctuation, extra spaces, missing capital letters, or inverted lowercase
and uppercase text.

Font Changes to Check
Select one or more check boxes to identify incorrect font changes in the
current text including name, size, attributes, and colors

Take care.
Global warming?  Most likely caused from hot air generated by politicians!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mario
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Wavy line under the word in MS word

just a suggestion, I believe you can either use text analyzer, on the
fly,  or play with the various settings of the many profiles to assist
in pointing out the misspelled words. I don't know how, but someone more
familiar would help you.

On 2/26/2016 1:34 PM, Pinky wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> I know a lot of you on here probably cannot see the screen. So I am going 
> to
> try and explain what I am going to asked my questions about. First of all 
> I
> do have some vision and I use Jaws and Zoomtext together. I can make the
> items on the screen very large with Zoomtext and have Jaws read it. Now 
> when
> I am using Outlook or MS word when I am typing and I miss spell a word
> Outlook and MS word will put a wavy line under the word under it as soon 
> as
> I space away from it. This means that the word is misspelled. If I back my
> cursor back on the word and hit my applications key a menu will come up 
> and
> give me some spelling suggestion for the correct spelling of the word. 
> Then
> when I hear the correct spelling I just hit enter and the misspelled word 
> is
> corrected. Now here is my questions. Is there any way to have Jaws 
> informed
> me that there is a wavy line under the misspelled word?
> I know I can use the spell checker so please don't tell me about that
> option. I just want to know if there is a way to get Jaws to tell if there
> is a wavy line under the misspelled  word if possible.
> I hope I explained this so it can be understood.
> Ed
> For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
> http://www.jaws-users.com/help/

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