Hello gang.
I installed the JAWS scripts for SFB 2015 from the scripts home page below:
http://www.dlee.org/sfb/lync.htm#instI have verified they are installed by 
hitting Insert Q with SFB in focus. But I just don't notice any difference with 
and without the scripts. For example, both out of the box SFB'15 and with 
scripts installed, I'm unable to activate the 'share' button to share my 
desktop, unable to scroll through the list of attendees and grant/revoke 
control, and also hear lots of random numbers spoken each time I land on the 
participants list window before JAWS speaks the participants name.  It's 
basically pretty inaccessible.
How do I resolve the above three issues with the scripts above or some other 
set of scripts?


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