Hi Jaws users group. A few weeks ago after doing a simple restart on my
computer, my computer would not boot into windows at all. I tried everything
I knew to do, but I only got blank screens. I called Microsoft support; they
only got blank screens as well. Because it was a windows issue, he gave me a
claim code and made an appointment for me at my local Microsoft store. So I
took my desktop computer into them, they could not get it to boot into
windows either. So they ran a complete diagnostic on my desktop, my desktop
was OK. So at this point my only choice was to let them wipe the hard drive
and install the windows 10 system from scratch. Of course, this also made me
install everything back on to my computer from scratch. When I first brought
it home and connected it and started it up for the first time. I only had
one icon on my desktop, the recycle bin and nothing else. So for the better
part of a week, I finally was able to install all my programs and customize
my W-10 computer again. When I say, they wiped my hard drive, they removed
everything. I had to also rename my computer and do all that kind of stuff.
I just got around to changing the name of this account from James back to
Jim. I just wanted to let the Jaws list know about the service from the
Microsoft support. Because it was a windows issue and nothing wrong with my
computer, this service was totally free. They even installed my Office 365
and set up my outlook 2016 for me. Very nice service provided by Microsoft.
Go Microsoft!

A Ballast for My Soul


Life is like a stormy sea

That tosses to and fro,

But God's Word will ever be

A ballast for my soul.

By its truth I'll be held fast

Till I reach heaven's shore

Where I will be home at last

And sail life's sea no more!

Author: Perry Boardman.



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