Thank you for the interest and enthusiasm.  
I think extending this functionality to RowSet, CachedRowSet, etc. is a great

At the risk of being redundant, I'd like to first make sure that we are talking
about the same thing ... or I'd at least like to better understand the
differences that there might be.

What if I prepared a brief package for your review of the interfaces and
classes, a sample of the XML String converted from a ResultSet, a test script
using the XmlDocumentAsResultSet classes and some documentation of the approach
and materials?

I could use the feedback to report back to you about any differences.

Please let me know if this is a reasonable first step.


--- Erwin Bolwidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, James Strachan wrote:
> > Hi Ken
> >
> > Funnily enough I was having a similar discussion with some of the JSPTL
> > (standard tag library for JSP) expert group this morning - that XPath is a
> > nice way to work with SQL result sets.
> Not only result sets -- any non-XML data that could be represented as XML.
> If you've had to do file conversions to connect to legacy systems, you'd
> appreciate it if you could to any logical (business or otherwise)
> translations using an XSL stylesheet, and not to worry about the dirty
> details of reading/writing CSV, EDI, HL7, Unix-password or whatever files.
> Jaxen makes this easier. But a mapping tool that dynamically maps to
> jaxen would be cooler. Mapping tools that exist (either for SQL tables or
> non-XML data formats) usually convert the data completely to a DOM tree,
> or java objects. But with a jaxen Navigator, you can keep the original
> data in its original object structure, and create a view on it for jaxen.
> > [...]
> > Certainly making a Navigator (say) that used a ResultSet as the 'model'
> > sounds an interesting idea!
> But a ResultSet is like a cursor, isn't it? The same ResultSet object can
> be pointed to different rows. Since jaxen Navigators use Objects as keys,
> you can't directly use the ResultSet, but you need to create small pointer
> objects that say which row/column they point to.
> - Erwin

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