This seems an awful lot like ADO.NET's DataSet class. 
Throw in a schema and build swing TableModels off of
it and you are nearly there.


--- Ken Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you for the interest and enthusiasm.  
> I think extending this functionality to RowSet,
> CachedRowSet, etc. is a great
> idea.
> At the risk of being redundant, I'd like to first
> make sure that we are talking
> about the same thing ... or I'd at least like to
> better understand the
> differences that there might be.
> What if I prepared a brief package for your review
> of the interfaces and
> classes, a sample of the XML String converted from a
> ResultSet, a test script
> using the XmlDocumentAsResultSet classes and some
> documentation of the approach
> and materials?
> I could use the feedback to report back to you about
> any differences.
> Please let me know if this is a reasonable first
> step.
> Thanks!
> Ken
> --- Erwin Bolwidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, James Strachan wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi Ken
> > >
> > > Funnily enough I was having a similar discussion
> with some of the JSPTL
> > > (standard tag library for JSP) expert group this
> morning - that XPath is a
> > > nice way to work with SQL result sets.
> > 
> > Not only result sets -- any non-XML data that
> could be represented as XML.
> > If you've had to do file conversions to connect to
> legacy systems, you'd
> > appreciate it if you could to any logical
> (business or otherwise)
> > translations using an XSL stylesheet, and not to
> worry about the dirty
> > details of reading/writing CSV, EDI, HL7,
> Unix-password or whatever files.
> > 
> > Jaxen makes this easier. But a mapping tool that
> dynamically maps to
> > jaxen would be cooler. Mapping tools that exist
> (either for SQL tables or
> > non-XML data formats) usually convert the data
> completely to a DOM tree,
> > or java objects. But with a jaxen Navigator, you
> can keep the original
> > data in its original object structure, and create
> a view on it for jaxen.
> > 
> > > [...]
> > 
> > > Certainly making a Navigator (say) that used a
> ResultSet as the 'model'
> > > sounds an interesting idea!
> > 
> > But a ResultSet is like a cursor, isn't it? The
> same ResultSet object can
> > be pointed to different rows. Since jaxen
> Navigators use Objects as keys,
> > you can't directly use the ResultSet, but you need
> to create small pointer
> > objects that say which row/column they point to.
> > 
> > - Erwin
> > 
> > 
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