> BTW, isn't this part of XPath 2.0, for these purposes?

Hallvard, you're right, the construct is o.k. in XPath 2.0 
(it's a special case of General Step, 
http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/#id-general-steps ).

Now, full support for XPath 2.0 in Jaxen will be 
a major undertaking, I'm afraid.

Personally, I'd vote against adding an extension to the standard syntax for a 
thing that could be supported within existing syntax.

How about a scatter-gather function? (Just a on-the-spot idea)

scatter-gather( {node-set}, {function-qname}, {argument1}, {argument2}, ... ):
For each node in the {node-set}, the function identified by {function-qname} 
is called with arguments {argument1}, {argument2}, ... . The results of these 
calls are accummulated and form the result of the scatter-gather function.

Would parallelize nicely, eh? :-)

> Hallvard


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