
I'm trying to connect to the cvs repository so I can download the source and
have a look at the JavaSource.getComment() method.

I have downloaded wincvs. I cannot connect to the cvs server either from
wincvs or the command-line. I am running windows XP.

Here is the output from the DOS command.

C:\Documents and Settings\Wyn>cvs -d
:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvspublic
Logging in to :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:2401:/home/cvspublic
CVS password: *******
cvs [login aborted]: connect to cvs.apache.org:2401 failed: No connection
could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

The only difference I can see between what I have and the instructions on
the webiste are that a port number is added. i.e. it says: Logging in to :
pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:2401:/home/cvspublic

It has added the port number 2401. Is this why the connection is being
refused? It looks like this cvs has all the apache source on it, so I can't
imagine that the server is down. I guess I must be getting to the server
because of the error I get i.e. "target machine actively refused it", so I
don't think I have firewall issues. Unless the target machine is my machine?
I'm using ZoneAlarm as my firewall.

The password I'm using is the same as the userid anoncvs.

Can anybody help?



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