|Ok reading the spec.
|1- It is clear that an invocation on remove or create in a transactional
|context throws a Remove Exception (7.6 last point).  It also says that it
|does it because it wants to keep the state diagram "EASY" a few
|pages before
|(no other reason stated)... wow that's strange, again to me it makes little

ok done and tested commiting with the cache working properly (afaict)

|2- Still in the points of 7.6 you will find that "if a rollback
|occurred the
|bean instance may need to reset its conversational state back to the value
|it had at teh beginning of the transaction".  Which very clearly indicates
|that the bean is still active.  This also applies to the CMT+Sync case (we
|are talking about after completion).  My conclusion on this is the
|but the spec is really superficial on this (the points are messy):
|BMT: don't do jack since the bean knows that the transaction
|commits or not,
|CMT+sync: notify and don't do more since the bean now knows that the
|transaction rolled back
|CMT no sync: here we could argue that the bean should be removed,
|I would in
|fact agree since there is no callback and the bean is un-ware.  We are not
|selection states based on transactional resolution.  I would argue
|that this
|case could call for a transactional cache that automatically sets
|state N or
|N+1 depending on commit or rollback.  They are purely symmetrical just move
|to the next one if you commit (N+1) or not (N) if you rollback.
|but for now I will add the 3 lines that implement the first part and do
|nothing about the second since most cases are ok and the last one is really
|an added feature.
|ANYONE FANCY A COOL ADD-ON??? hmmm? a transactional cache for
|stateful beans
|:) hmmm?  I would sell it $10 a pop, non spec required but clearly very
|cool, ok you want me to spell it out? get on your keyboard and fucking
|develop that fast transactional stateful cache, come on!
||-----Original Message-----
||[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of marc
||Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 5:46 PM
||Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] remove transactional
|||Danny O' is right about not trashing the Stateful bean on a
|||rollback.  I was
|||only thinking about Entities when I made that comment(as was probably
|||Danch).  Actually, the spec infers that a Stateful bean is not registered
|||with the TM unless it implements SessionSynchronization.
||yes that is the CMT+sync case I was refering to, the BMT case is even more
||clear cut imho...
||time to commit (without that part, I need to refresh on the spec)
|||> -----Original Message-----
|||> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of marc
|||> fleury
|||> Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 4:52 PM
|||> Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] remove transactional
|||> so
|||> <fifteen minute time lapse>
|||> is the create the same? cannot be transactional??? or just remove?
|||> having problems with the new code as we speak
|||> marcf
|||> |-----Original Message-----
|||> |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
|Behalf Of marc
|||> |fleury
|||> |Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 4:26 PM
|||> |Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] remove transactional
|||> |
|||> |
|||> |chill pill bill...
|||> |
|||> |there is more fire coming, although when we volley back and
|||> forth like this
|||> |you must account for delivery lag,
|||> |
|||> |so everyone take a "chill pill bill" for 15 mins, when you come
|||> back we are
|||> |all synchronized :)
|||> |
|||> |ready ? so where are we, the requirements seems contradictorial
|||> at least to
|||> |me (but I didnt' take the chill pill and I want to finish the commits)
|||> |
|||> |marcf
|||> |
|||> ||-----Original Message-----
|||> ||From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|||> ||[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
||Behalf Of Bill
|||> ||Burke
|||> ||Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 4:09 PM
|||> ||Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] remove transactional
|||> ||
|||> ||
|||> ||Just in case you didn't see the last email,
|||> ||
|||> ||statefulbean.remove() results in an exception when the bean is
|||> ||participating
|||> ||within a transaction.  This is not allowed.  Please see the spec!
|||> ||
|||> ||Bill
|||> ||
|||> ||> -----Original Message-----
|||> ||> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|||> ||> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
|||> Behalf Of marc
|||> ||> fleury
|||> ||> Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 3:54 PM
|||> ||> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|||> ||> Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] remove transactional
|||> ||>
|||> ||>
|||> ||> fair enough, by popular demand
|||> ||>
|||> ||> remove() is not a transactional operation then,
|||> ||>
|||> ||> you call it? the stateful bean is gone, gone I tell you!
|||> ||>
|||> ||> marcf
|||> ||>
|||> ||> |-----Original Message-----
|||> ||> |From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|||> ||> |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
|||> |Behalf Of danch
|||> ||> |(Dan Christopherson)
|||> ||> |Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 3:35 PM
|||> ||> |To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|||> ||> |Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] remove transactional
|||> ||> |
|||> ||> |
|||> ||> |I agree with Bill - removing everything involved in the
|||> ||> |transaction from the cache is a must.
|||> ||> |
|||> ||> |-danch
|||> ||> |
|||> ||> |Bill Burke wrote:
|||> ||> |
|||> ||> |> Nope, with the old code, B would be removed from the cache when
|||> ||> |b.remove()
|||> ||> |> was called even if it was invoked from within a transaction.
|||> ||Also, all
|||> ||> |> beans involved with a transaction would be removed from the
|||> |cache on a
|||> ||> |> rollback within InstanceSynchronization.
|||> ||> |>
|||> ||> |> I think that is the safe and correct approach to remove any
|||> ||> bean from the
|||> ||> |> cache that is part of a rollback.  Otherwise you may have
|||> ||> corrupted data.
|||> ||> |>
|||> ||> |> Bill
|||> ||> |>
|||> ||> |>
|||> ||> |>>-----Original Message-----
|||> ||> |>>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|||> ||> |>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
|||> ||Behalf Of marc
|||> ||> |>>fleury
|||> ||> |>>Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 2:57 PM
|||> ||> |>>To: Jboss-Development@Lists. Sourceforge. Net
|||> ||> |>>Subject: [JBoss-dev] remove transactional
|||> ||> |>>
|||> ||> |>>
|||> ||> |>>as I wrap up the stuff, sanity check
|||> ||> |>>
|||> ||> |>>bean a and bean b
|||> ||> |>>
|||> ||> |>>a starts transaction and calls b.remove() and then rolls back
|||> ||> |>>
|||> ||> |>>b is still there in cache right?
|||> ||> |>>
|||> ||> |>>marcf
|||> ||> |>>
|||> ||> |>>_________________
|||> ||> |>>Marc Fleury, Ph.D
|||> ||> |>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|||> ||> |>>_________________
|||> ||> |
|||> ||> |
|||> ||> |
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