I doubt you can rely on any of these for portability.

Can you make it so there is a db-specific plugin for each db?  I think this
would be simpler than trying to dynamically figure out what is supported
from the databasemetadata.

Isn't it amazing that Oracle claims sql compliance with their "unique"
outer join syntax?

david jencks

On 2001.08.17 15:11:26 -0400 Dain Sundstrom wrote:
> all JDBC experts,
> Is it common for the JDBC drivers to support the SQL Extension functions?
> http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/jdbc/spec/jdbc-spec.frame11.html
> I specifically need the functions: concat, substring, locate, length,
> abs,
> and sqrt.
> I'm planing on mapping these to {fn concat('str1', 'str2')} style
> functions.
> If it is not common to support these fuctions I'll write a function map
> spec
> in the xml.
> Also, do most vendors support the {oj outer-join} syntax like:
> FROM {oj order LEFT OUTER JOIN line_item ON
> order.ordernumber=line_item.ordernumber}
> I think I need this to support the IS EMPTY operator in queries like:
> FROM Order o
> WHERE o.lineItems IS  EMPTY
> Thanks for any help
> -dain
> P.S. I just found some docs that say that Oracle drivers do not support
> any
> of these "portability features" (my words). Does anyone find this
> supprising? (I'll keep my feelings on this to my self).  Any way, if it
> is
> true, I'll implement this the hard way after I get the easy way working.
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