marc fleury wrote:

> We would create the interceptors independently of each other.  And then
> "creating a stack" is nothing more than instructing incoming gates (.net,
> rmi, whatever) that the messages requesting "EJB-style" fielding should go
> through this stack of ObjectName interceptors.  standardjboss.xml needs to
> map one on one there.

Well, the only thing the incoming gates would have to know is to 
immediately delegate to the stack configuration MBean. After that it can 
take care of the stack config.

*But this will only work if the interceptor/config interleaving is done 
as outlined in previous post*. Otherwise it will be an MBean explosion...

> The stack of state machines, the movie seen by the MI, is a random access
> stack from the point of view of the admin.
> Then updating the flow means talking to that "route mapper" at the gates.

Which, as discussed, need to be hand-holding the MI as it travels along 
the stack.


Rickard Öberg
Software Development Specialist
xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
Author of "Mastering RMI"

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