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|-----Original Message-----
|From: marc fleury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 9:13 AM
|To: Rickard Öberg
|Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] JMX service architecture: next gen++
||It should be. So then you will instead have n number of "Tx-EJB-style"
||MBeans for each configuration of it that you want to be able to use.
|not necessarily, I wasn't probably very clear in my previous emails,
|a lot of the configuration is in the metadata used by the
|interceptor today and that data can be pegged with the MI.
||There is a stacking problem here though. If each interceptor is supposed
||to know which interceptor comes next in the chain, then you will need
|Who said that it would work like jboss2? reread my email, I talk
|about a "stack of object names".
|That stack is essentially a map of the interceptors you are going
|to go through as an MI.  That stack is not harcoded in the
|interceptors but in the gates where the MI is created.  What type
|of MI are you ? you are going to go through A-B-C-D.  What type of
|MI are you? you are going to go through C-D-Z.
|Can you hear me? Can you see me?
|Ok for work!
||one instance per *chain configuration*. I.e. if you have two MBeans
||being served by the same chain, and then want to modify the chain for
||one of the MBeans, you'll have to duplicate the chain and make the
||modification. It would be messy.
|I don't think so.
||The only way I can see to get around that is to have the interceptor
||chain interleaved with a configuration interceptor.
||MBean XYZ wants the interceptor chain A,B,C (where C handles the call).
||Somehow this config info is given. An interceptor stack management MBean
||(MGMT) knows this, and for each incoming call the actual runtime chain
||of invocations looks like this:
||1. Connector.invoke (incoming call)
||2. MGMT.invoke (MGMT is delegated to, and in turn delegates to first in
||3. A.invoke (do the A stuff, delegate back to MGMT)
||4. MGMT.invoke (determine that the chain has progressed past A, delegate
||to B)
||5. B.invoke (similar as 3)
||6. MGMT.invoke (same as 4)
||7. C.invoke (similar as 3, delegate to XYZ through reflection)
||8. XYZ.invoke
||9. return through interceptors
||10. Connector.invoke return result
|That is a way, but is this better than giving the map at the
|beginning? You save on a ton of calls and you still have the
|dynamicity of the configuration (update maps == (LinkedList of
||This is the only way you can get away with having a finite amount of
||interceptor MBean instances. If each interceptor is aware of the next in
||the chain, as in JBoss2 EJB, then you will have the config explosion
||problem (i.e. each interceptor will have the state "config+chain
||knowledge" instead of just "config").
||See what I mean?
|Yes, right analysis on the wrong hypothesis.
||To get this to work the interceptor chain needs the following meta-info
||in the MI:
||1. Final MBean to invoke (XYZ in above case. this identifies the chain
||to use)
|OBjectName as identifier.  Map of "maps to component" where
|essentially we store the metainformation we used to use in the
|container of jboss2.
||2. Point in chain (0,1,2,3 in above case. this identifies which
||interceptor in the chain to delegate to next)
||3. method
||4. arguments
||5. custom meta-data(?)
|On 4. I got this idea from "Dresdner Bank" in London with the
|project "open adaptor".  You might want to check it.  I think
|their view of the system world is a bit soft but the logic is
|there and is kind of relevant.  They described random payloads as just
|in their case I think they typed the payload as some silly object
|DataObject[] or something like that, which I think is superflous.
|Again we are doing that but on steroids and with a clearer system
|head (they use properties to configure the stacks) but the
|"philosophy" is known by the bank guys.
|On 5. custom meta-data might be interesting, at least in the
|navigation structures of it, I don't know.
||This way you can take maximum advantage of the fact that interceptors
||are largely stateless (and thread-safe), hence reusable for multiple
||concurrent calls.
|You got it.
||Yes, true. As in above, the point-in-chain is very important though in
||order to externalize the actual chain from the interceptors.
|almost see above,
||It would require the above to work I think, but it's definitely doable.
|almost there rickard
||Rickard Öberg
||Software Development Specialist
||xlurc - Xpedio Linköping Ubiquitous Research Center
||Author of "Mastering RMI"

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