The console output should be short and simple. In any production
envrionment your likely to not even be using it so its just for quick looks
and I don't want excessive info displayed there. The default server.log
format can be more verbose. Its also trival to change these settings if
you know enough about log4j, so I would rather keep the defaults
simpler and let you change them for your specific need.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Dillon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 4:09 PM
Subject: [JBoss-dev] suggest changing log4j layout patterns

> I suggest that we change the log4j layout patterns to add more useful
> information to the console and server.log files:
> For console:
>    "%-5p %c{1} [%t] - %m%n"
> INFO  JMXAdaptorService [main] - Starting
> DEBUG MailingPOEJB [Passivator Thread for MailingPO] - ejbPassivate
> For server.log:
>    "%d %-5r %-5p %c [%t] (%x) - %m%n"
> 2001-11-13 11:35:32,210 2396  INFO  org.jboss.util.Shutdown [main] () -
Shutdown hook added
> 2001-11-13 11:35:36,576 6762  WARN
org.jboss.configuration.ConfigurationService [main] () -
Monitor:name=BeanCacheMonitor does not implement any Service methods
>  * * *
> I have found that the extra information is very, very useful to debug
> components running inside of JBoss.  The above puts the minimal amount of
> useful information on the console in a terse format and dumps all usefull
> information into server.log in a verbose format.
> I believe that users of JBoss would benifit from these settings by default
> and I suggest that we update the (or use log4j.xml) with
> these layout formats.
> Any objections?
> --jason
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