I will look at adding this to build/build.xml next week.  probably won't be 
this exact patch, but will do the same basic things you want.


On Sun, 18 Nov 2001, Adam Heath wrote:

> On Sat, 17 Nov 2001, Jason Dillon wrote:
> > I think it is worth the time to setup a jboss deb and serve the packages
> > from jboss.org (or sf).  I have yet to understand the full logistics for
> > submitting the packages to debian.  The advantage to that would be that any
> > debian user could install jboss with no extra config.  It remains to be seen
> > that the added work to split off all of the thirdparty bits is worth the
> > effort.  It might be easiert to simply ask users to add a line to there apt
> > config and not bother with trying to become part of the debian dist... if
> > that is even possible.
> Here is a patch, that does what I want.  build.xml had no concept of building
> source archives.  Also, ignore the build.compiler patch.
> Here is a list of output file, and their sizes:
> -rw-r--r--    1 adam     adam     11642880 Nov 18 13:56 jboss-3.0.0alpha-free-src.tar
> -rw-r--r--    1 adam     adam      2033497 Nov 18 13:56 jboss-3.0.0alpha-free-src.tgz
> -rw-r--r--    1 adam     adam      3306719 Nov 18 13:58 jboss-3.0.0alpha-free-src.zip
> -rw-r--r--    1 adam     adam     19599360 Nov 18 13:56 
> -rw-r--r--    1 adam     adam     13985393 Nov 18 13:57 
> -rw-r--r--    1 adam     adam     14140300 Nov 18 13:58 
> -rw-r--r--    1 adam     adam     31242240 Nov 18 13:57 jboss-3.0.0alpha-src.tar
> -rw-r--r--    1 adam     adam     16021389 Nov 18 13:57 jboss-3.0.0alpha-src.tgz
> -rw-r--r--    1 adam     adam     17447010 Nov 18 13:59 jboss-3.0.0alpha-src.zip
> For a real upload to debian, I would only fetch the -free-src.tgz.  I would
> then make available on the build machine, the stuff that is in
> nonfree.src.tgz, thru other means.
> This is all I want from JBoss.org.  This will allow me to upload jboss to
> Debian(into the contrib section).  I'll work on the actual moving of files
> into the deb, and creating the debian meta data, so support all this.
> Index: build/build.xml
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/build/jboss/build.xml,v
> retrieving revision 1.46
> diff -u -r1.46 build.xml
> --- build/build.xml   2001/11/12 04:24:18     1.46
> +++ build/build.xml   2001/11/18 20:03:42
> @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
>    <!-- ================================================================== -->
>    <!-- Load Buildmagic extention tasks. -->
> +  <property name="build.compiler" value="jikes"/>
>    <taskdef resource="planet57/tools/buildmagic/task/autoload.properties"/>
>    <taskdef name="property" classname="planet57.tools.buildmagic.task.Property"/>
> @@ -1388,6 +1389,120 @@
>        </fileset>
>      </copy>
>    </target>
> +
> +
> +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
> +  <!-- Source                                                             -->
> +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
> +
> +  <target name="source-free-zip" depends="init"
> +       description="Builds a ZIP free source distribution.">
> +    <zip zipfile="${module.output}/${release.id}-free-src.zip">
> +      <fileset dir="${module.output}/../../">
> +     <exclude name="CVS/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="tools/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="thirdparty/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="*/output/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="plugins/*/output/**"/>
> +        <include name="**"/>
> +      </fileset>
> +    </zip>
> +  </target>
> +
> +  <target name="source-nonfree-zip" depends="init"
> +       description="Builds a ZIP non-free source distribution.">
> +    <zip zipfile="${module.output}/${release.id}-nonfree-src.zip">
> +      <fileset dir="${module.output}/../../">
> +     <exclude name="*/CVS/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="*/output/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="plugins/*/output/**"/>
> +        <exclude name="*"/>
> +     <include name="tools/**"/>
> +     <include name="thirdparty/**"/>
> +      </fileset>
> +    </zip>
> +  </target>
> +
> +  <target name="source-zip" depends="init"
> +       description="Builds a ZIP source distribution.">
> +    <zip zipfile="${module.output}/${release.id}-src.zip">
> +      <fileset dir="${module.output}/../../">
> +     <exclude name="CVS/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="*/output/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="plugins/*/output/**"/>
> +        <include name="**"/>
> +      </fileset>
> +    </zip>
> +  </target>
> +
> +  <target name="source-all-zip"
> +       depends="source-free-zip, source-nonfree-zip, source-zip"
> +       description="Builds all ZIP source distributions."/>
> +
> +  <target name="source-free-tar" depends="init"
> +       description="Builds a TAR free source distribution.">
> +    <tar tarfile="${module.output}/${release.id}-free-src.tar" longfile="gnu"
> +      basedir="${module.output}/../../">
> +     <exclude name="CVS/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="tools/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="thirdparty/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="*/output/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="plugins/*/output/**"/>
> +    </tar>
> +  </target>
> +
> +  <target name="source-free-tgz" depends="source-free-tar"
> +       description="Builds a TAR-GZIP free source distribution.">
> +    <gzip src="${module.output}/${release.id}-free-src.tar"
> +       zipfile="${module.output}/${release.id}-free-src.tgz"/>
> +  </target>
> +
> +  <target name="source-nonfree-tar" depends="init"
> +       description="Builds a TAR non-free source distribution.">
> +    <tar tarfile="${module.output}/${release.id}-nonfree-src.tar" longfile="gnu"
> +      basedir="${module.output}/../../">
> +     <exclude name="CVS/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="*/output/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="plugins/*/output/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="*"/>
> +     <include name="tools/**"/>
> +     <include name="thirdparty/**"/>
> +    </tar>
> +  </target>
> +
> +  <target name="source-nonfree-tgz" depends="source-nonfree-tar"
> +       description="Builds a TAR-GZIP non-free source distribution.">
> +    <gzip src="${module.output}/${release.id}-nonfree-src.tar"
> +       zipfile="${module.output}/${release.id}-nonfree-src.tgz"/>
> +  </target>
> +
> +  <target name="source-tar" depends="init"
> +       description="Builds a TAR source distribution.">
> +    <tar tarfile="${module.output}/${release.id}-src.tar" longfile="gnu"
> +      basedir="${module.output}/../../">
> +     <exclude name="CVS/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="*/output/**"/>
> +     <exclude name="plugins/*/output/**"/>
> +    </tar>
> +  </target>
> +
> +  <target name="source-tgz" depends="source-tar"
> +       description="Builds a TAR-GZIP source distribution.">
> +    <gzip src="${module.output}/${release.id}-src.tar"
> +       zipfile="${module.output}/${release.id}-src.tgz"/>
> +  </target>
> +
> +  <target name="source-all-tar"
> +       depends="source-free-tar, source-nonfree-tar, source-tar"
> +       description="Builds all TAR source distributions."/>
> +
> +  <target name="source-all-tgz"
> +       depends="source-free-tgz, source-nonfree-tgz, source-tgz"
> +       description="Builds all TGZ source distributions."/>
> +
> +  <target name="source-all"
> +       depends="source-all-tgz, source-all-zip"
> +       description="Builds all source distributions."/>
>    <!-- ================================================================== -->

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