OK, I think I fixed the "can't undeploy broken mbean" problem, with a
testcase too. (in jmx/test/DeployServiceUnitTestCase).

Could you check and make sure I fixed the problem you were seeing?

david jencks

On 2001.11.17 23:32:09 -0500 David Budworth wrote:
> Well, while someone is looking at the hot deploy code, please fix the
> MBean 
> problem.
> When you deploy a SAR that has a bad mbean, ie: jboss-service.xml
> specifies 
> an attribute for a MBean that doesn't really exist, you have to restart
> jboss 
> to get the mbean to go away.
> Removing the SAR only removes MBeans that successfully deployed, and not 
> anything that threw deployment exceptions when being deployed.
> I'm gonna try to fix this myself before I file it as a bug.  But if
> someone 
> is looking at the deploy code, and happens to fix it, please say so.
> -David
> On Saturday 17 November 2001 03:57pm, Jason Dillon wrote:
> > jboss.org is afflicted with this bug (i think).  in an ideal world a
> jboss
> > server should not need to be restarted expect to update core componets
> or
> > the vm in which it runs.
> >
> > I would say that it is a bug.  Does the same thing happen when large
> > deployables are used on 3.0?
> >
> > --jason
> >
> > On Sat, 17 Nov 2001, Andreas Schaefer wrote:
> > > Hi Geeks
> > >
> > > Recently this bug was reported on JBoss 2.4 stating that
> > > JBoss server runs out of memory when to many hot-
> > > deployment with big archives.
> > >
> > > IMO this is not a bug because when people start to deploy
> > > big archives then they have to deal with it.
> > > - In Production this should not become a problem and when
> > >   then a restart of JBoss is necessary
> > > - In Development this should not be a big problem to bounce
> > >    the server.
> > >
> > > What do you think ?
> > >
> > > ------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > > Bugs item #482875, was opened at 2001-11-17 12:12
> > > You can respond by visiting:
> > > http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=376685&aid=482875&group_
> > >id= 22866
> > >
> > > Category: JBossServer
> > > Group: v2.4 (stable)
> > > Status: Open
> > > Resolution: None
> > > Priority: 7
> > > Submitted By: Joel Boehland (jolby)
> > > Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
> > > Summary: OutOfMemory after many Deploy cycles
> > >
> > > Initial Comment:
> > > I have been seeing OutOfMemoryErrors in my server after
> > > doing several deploy/redeploy cycles of my application
> > > .ear file (which is around 3 megs in size)
> > >
> > > Basic info:
> > > *Hardware: AMD-K2-400MHz, 196MB RAM
> > > *OS: linux 2.2.14
> > > *jdk: Blackdown-1.3.0-FCS, mixed mode
> > > *Server: JBoss-2.4.3_Jetty-3.1.3-1
> > > *ServerTrace: I don't have one now, but I can provide
> > > one later if needed.
> > > *Steps to reproduce: Deploy/Redeploy .ear file many
> > > times. My .ear is around 3 megs, so it may be necessary
> > > to use a large one to trigger this effect.
> > >
> > > Other info
> > > *I have had this happen using native threads mode, and
> > > green threads mode.
> > > *"Jozsa Kristof" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has also reported
> > > this error on the jboss-user list. He was using IBM jdk
> > > 1.3.0 on linux, so this doesn't appear to be tied to
> > > any particular version of the jdk.
> > >
> > > --Joel
> > >
> > > -----------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > > Andreas Schaefer
> > > Senior Consultant
> > > JBoss Group, LLC
> > > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > >
> > >
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