On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 22:43, Dain Sundstrom wrote:
> You are performing due diligence.  You see things you have not seen before
> and they give you a queasy feeling. (right?)  So what don't you like? Try to
> start a discussion, and ask questions instead of writing vague accusations.

Fair enough.

- What formal guarantees are there that my contributions will not be
used to create a for-profit proprietary product?

- What guarantee do I have that JBoss will remain a fair and
participatory organization that does not isolate members for purely
political or profit-motivated reasons as opposed to matters purely

- What actions are underway to migrate JBoss' ownership from Marc to an
organization with formal, published by-laws that is managed in an open
and participatory manner?

- Is there anything akin to the Debian Social Contract in JBoss? A
"social contract" between JBoss and its community?

Answers to questions like these will determine the extent that we invest
in a shared infrastructure or directly hire people to mature the
infrastructure ourselves.

Ean Schuessler                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brainfood, Inc.                              http://www.brainfood.com

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