
The reason people don't remember this is because jboss is so easy to deploy
already that they feel a deb is unecessary.  So your contribution is not
highly valued, and not remembered.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Heath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 1:21 AM
> To: Bill Burke
> Cc: Adam Heath; Jboss-Development@Lists. Sourceforge. Net
> Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] time is up, where is adam heath?
> On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Bill Burke wrote:
> > Didn't see your patch, sorry....Well, I actualy couldn't 
> find it after
> > looking a little bit.
> Message-ID: 
> Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2001 14:07:42 -0600 (CST)
> Subject: [PATCH]: [JBoss-dev] can't build jboss from cvs
> The above email patches build.xml, only.  It does what I 
> need, to split the
> tarballs/zips up.
> Also, another patch I sent, earlier, contains some 
> miscellaneous patches.
> Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 01:24:56 -0600 (CST)
> Subject: [JBoss-dev] misc patches needed to make .deb for debian
> > Sorry if the JBoss community is not what you're used to.  
> It works for us.
> > I am now integrating JBoss into a 2nd production system at 
> a 2nd company,
> > with much success, and will be moving onto a 3rd in 
> January..  The JBoss
> > community is doing something right.  I know from experience.
> You have worked at 2 different companies, or did they hire 
> you as a consultant
> just to do this integration(not meaning to sound harsh, just being
> inquistive).
> > Yes.  Who the hell is Adam Heath anyways?  (Then you could 
> ask, who the hell
> > is Bill Burke? :)
> Fair 'nuf.  :)
> > Don't know what business world you live in, but respect is 
> usually earned
> > not given.  Sure credentials get you noticed, but after 
> that you have to
> > earn the respect of your peers.  And yes, we are your 
> peers.  Only results
> > and money talk in the business world.  Unless you're a 
> commie.  I thought we
> > purged you commies back in the '50s?
> I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but true believers in the 
> free software
> doctrine could be compared to commies, in theory.
> > It doesn't work like that here.  Somebody correct me, but, 
> IMHO, we have a
> > meritocracy here.  You get what you give.
> Hmm.  new word alert.  scanning
> I've shown ability.  Yet, it seems to be ignored, and the 
> only focus is on my,
> at times, harsh mails.  Hmm, that description doesn't seem to apply.
> > Well, honestly, from the emails I've read, didn't sound 
> like you were
> > contributing any expertise, but rather voicing complaints.
> Go read again.  Jason Dillon and I had quite a discussion, 
> with both sides
> learning about the other.
> > IMHO, I'd rather work with somebody that is blunt.  We 
> don't have time to
> > pussyfoot around here.
> I'd rather work with someone who is sharp. :)
> > > How is one supposed to get started with jboss?  Where is 
> the voluminous
> > > documentation on how to start understanding the code, so 
> one can start
> > > improving the software?
> >
> > If you pay the $9.99, there you go ;-)  Hmmm, I've never had trouble
> > figuring out how to contribute.....
> I haven't had troubvle figuring out how, it's just I haven't 
> been motivated to
> do so.  When I have tried to contribute, it's been ignored, 
> or blasted for
> being moronic.  That doesn't make me want to continue.
> > > Is jboss-dev not a user list?  Isn't discussion on this list a
> > > form of giving
> > > back?
> >
> > jboss-dev is not a user list.  It is a jboss contributor list.
> So, one can't answer questions on jboss-dev, and be 
> considering giving back to
> the community?  After all, jboss has a community of 
> developers, and if I can
> answer some other developer's question, we all benefit.
> > Again, you get what you give.  You're in a sea of good 
> developers here.  You
> > would cringe in fear at some of our resumes.  You have to 
> build trust and
> > respect in this community.  We have all already done it and 
> you're not doing
> > a good job of it so far.
> I have given.  Yet it's been ignored.
> Also, on a side note, I asked several mails ago(not this 
> thread), for a nice,
> 80 char by 3-5 line description of jboss.  A nice, easy to understand
> description, not filled with too many acronyms and buzz 
> phrases.  The content
> on the jboss website is a little wordy for me to try and 
> condense(I've never
> been good at marketing).
> Also, as to the status of the Debianization:  I am close to 
> making a public,
> as it were, release.  I've switched both Ean an another 
> internal developer to
> using my debs.  I'm currently working on automatic postgres
> installation/configuration(few minor tweaks left).  apt-get 
> install jboss
> jboss-jdbc-postgresql, and you'll have a PostgresDS, HypersonicDS, and
> DefaultDS(that uses postgresql).  Without 
> jboss-jdbc-postgresql installed,
> DefaultDS will use hypersonic.
> It's all rather slick.  I haven't released publically, 
> because as I tweak
> stuff, upgrades between my internal versions might not work, 
> so I needed to
> keep a tight reign on the files.  Soon, however, soon.
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