|Walk up my WAR's classloader hierarchy, as far as I think necessary,
|putting together a list of the URLs of every dir/jar referenced.
|copy remote resources to a tmp dir, and convert all items in path to a
|kick off javac with classpath thus set.
|The following features would make my life a lot easier if supported by
|your new ScopedClassLoader:
|1. named scopes - i.e. EAR, WAR, EJB-JAR, J2EE-PLATFORM, EXTENSIONS,
|2. ability to retrieve, for a named scope, the complete list of URLs for
|it's jars/dirs
|The naming stuff is not essential, but a convenient means of
|differentiating the different groups of classes that will be picked up
|by the classloader during it's lifetime.

Scoped Cl is a URLCLassloader, URLCL supports getURLs(), we don't need to
add anything.

URLClassloader in org.jboss.system is the same.

|Or have I misunderstood scoping ?

That being said,  the way the scope/service library works, it will throw you
off, the delegation will only pick up the "parent" classloaders and that is
exactly what was broken in the first place (the linear parent dependency).
So if you go up the chain of a SCL enabled RH CL it will just tell you the
jar you come from :) and the other you won't see, back to square one with
respect to JSP compilation.

The class will appear standalone, one thing we can do is to give you a full
classpath of files that have been deployed in the system, but since we get
no call back from tools.jar (a mistake really) we have no way of knowing
what classes you need. Thus we would have to pass you a full classpath of
the system, that would work.

you would have to cast your "Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()"
to (org.jboss.system.URLClassLoader) and that will support a getClasspath().

Whereas getURLs() on the standard URLCL would return just the URL it points
to the getClassPath on the SCL will return the sum of all getURLs(), clunky
and brutal but seems to give you what you want.

or does it, if it does, I can code it this week. (I am really trying to
finish the code but get sidetracked by a thousand little things, the
business, the support, the forums rework, the flames, our deals, the
affiliates, the code, my daughter, my wife... damn.. damn damn..)

I dont' know if this is what you need, but including everyjar that ever
existed in the server is sure to do the trick (as well as be slow as
molasses :)

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