>>>>Errors:                1
>>>>Failures:              2
>>missing that XA is not a valid test *now* (Error) therefore it
>>should be
>>removed - and if javac is in the classpath the other 2 is cleared
>>as well
>"javac is in the classpath" - is there something I can change in my
>config to correct this?  I believe I have an empty CLASSPATH when
>starting the jboss tests - so it should just be what jboss/ant
actually javac (tools.jar) has to be in the jboss-service.xml file AND 
in the lib/ext dir. Just being in the classpath didn't work for me. we 
could change the build script slightly to work.

in my build script i changed 
/jboss-all/server/src/etc/conf/default/jboss-service.xml by adding
tools.jar to the classpath element. then in my build script in the 
_module-j2ee-most I added the following:

<!-- copy the tools.jar to lib/ext -->
    <copy file="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" 
tofile="${install.lib.ext}/tools.jar" />

and now it just copies my tools.jar for me.

I can check this in , its so simple I don't know why it hasn't been done 
before.... :)

Now the xatest, not sure there is an easy way around this other than not 
running that test... Its not really an "invalid" test though. There just 
is not an xa capabale datasource anymore (instantDB no longer being free)


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