> > I know marc is trying to kill off this thread (it
> has been going long
> > enough) but I know what the story is with this one
> so I thought I would
> > explain (and give you a solution).

I want to kill personal attacks on advanced developers of JBoss, I don't want to kill 
reasonable feature discussion, in fact I am working on this as we speak I am done with 


> Sorry to be blunt, but this behavior is just plain
> wrong.  The AutoDeployer
> is deploying something it is dependent on?  Not good,
> I must say, not good.
> You're going to break a lot of 2.4.x applications
> with this behavior.  And
> it is just crazy to have a circular dependency.

Get off the high horsey, I solved this problem with 
1- page scoping of deployment, meaning if you have N MBeans in the xml page then we 
create()/start() in lock step (everyone create, then everyone start).
2- do a deployment run in the autodeployer (don't wait for autodeployment but force it 
in the same thread that does start.

> MBeans declared after the autodeployer, or with a
> dependency on the
> autodeployer should wait until the autodeployer has
> finished deploying its
> stuff.

yep read the above it will be implicit in the thread doing it.

> I'm going to change the code.
I will commit the above


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