I forgot to remind everyone of the point behind these apparently fragmented
service.xml files....

They enable easy deployment/undeployment of large chunks of server
functionality (including replacing the classes implementing the
functionality) WHILE THE SERVER IS RUNNING.  In 2.4, to add a datasource
non-programatically you had to modify jboss.jcml, stop jboss, and restart. 
Now you can just drop a mydb-service.xml file in deploy, and away you go.

I think most of the problems people are having are because there is no
documentation other than my off the cuff responses to questions and because
the current service.xml files are extremely disorganized.  The base
jboss-service.xml file includes zilliions of jars it isn't using, just
becasue they  were in marc's lib/ext when he first wrote the example, and I
haven't modified or written the appropriate service.xml for the chunk of
functionality exposed.  For instance, I think it makes sense to put the
castor adapter mbean and the castor jar in a sar, and remove all reference
to it from the base jboss-service.xml.  To get castor, you add the sar.  If
you don't want castor, you wont have extra classes loaded.

david jencks
<big snip>

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