I have been trying to post my problem, looking for an answer for some time 
now on defferent forums now, with no answer yet... Please help provide any 
feedback if you can. As I'm not sure if my current problem is due to a JBOSS 
container bug, or configuration requirements that I have missed some where.

------ My previously posted message -----

Due to a previouse recommendation on one of these
Forums,I have upgraded from JBoss_2.4.0-Tomcat_3.2.3
to JBoss_2.4.3-Jetty_3.1.3-1. I'm running my JBoss
on Linux.

My problem/question is; How can I force the container
configuration size of JBoss for a deployed stateless
session bean (for example)to not exceed a specified
MaximumSize, based on what I have defined it to be
in the jboss.xml file used for deployment??

I tried many defferent kind of MaximumSizes, but it
seems to me (from actual performance tests), that no
matter what I specify as a MaximumSize for my deployed
stateless session bean, JBoss will always allocate
a bean instance for each request, even if the number
of concurrent (client) requests to that bean (pool)
exceeded the MaximumSize specified for the bean's
container pool configuration (specified within
jboss.xml at deployment time)....The same kind of
behaviour problem was also found with deployed stateful
session beans type as well as deployed entity beans type!!!

For example:
If I set the container pool configuration (of my bean)
MinimumSize = 1, and MaximumSize = 1 (Meaning that
there should ONLY be one bean instance in the pool to
be shared among requesting clients).....And then I had
8 concurrent (clients) requests (at the same time).
All 8 of those requests were able to get a remote
reference to a bean instance (and uses it) at the same
time. As apposed to all 8 sharing the single bean
instance that should have ONLY bean in the pool...

What am I messing ?!! Please help.... As I have bean
struggling with this kind of a problem for over a month


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