CVS as off 5pm EST Feb13

Jason Dillon wrote:
> What version of JBoss are you using?
> --jason
> On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 16:53, Dave Smith wrote:
>>After having a bad day trying to get a message selector working for a 
>>topic listener I came across a few bugs.
>>1) If the message selector is invalid but the connection is not started 
>>but no error is thrown. So if you createTopicSession  then 
>>createSubscriber and then start the connection the connection looks good 
>>but there are no messages delivered. (I spent most of the day trying to 
>>sort this one out)
>>2) The message selectors do not seem to like boolean types. My query is
>>app_id='AK' and production=TRUE
>>3) What parser are we using for the message selectors. I thought we were 
>>using javacc and jms.jj. But in Selector the default is set to parser 
>>which is from jms.y. I don't even think this thing is getting 
>>re-processed. I did swicth the default to SelectorParser but that did 
>>not work as well.
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