According to the JMS spec the reserved words are case insensitive. A 
part of the TOKEN spec I use in the new EJB-QL parser follows:

    < FALSE: "FALSE" >
|  < NOT: "NOT" >
|  < NULL: "NULL" >
|  < TRUE: "TRUE" >

The boolean declaration won't work because you have the same regular 
expression in two sections.  Remember that token is part of the lexing 
step where the input stream is broken into logical token.  Then the 
syntax part happens.  If you need a production later in the grammar 
which can be true or false, you would add the following bnf_prduction:

void Boolean() :
    (<TRUE> | <FALSE>)

I'm by no means a JavaCC expert (I'm still learning it my self), but if 
you want, I'll look over your jj file when you finish.


Dave Smith wrote:

> OK. it looks like it does not like the BOOLEAN token as a combo fo the 
> TRUE and FALSE tokens. Inlining them works. Patch inclosed.
> Now the selector will parse but still does not deliver it properly. 
> Going to bed , have a look in the morning...
> Dave Smith wrote:
>> Ok. First problem solved. We have to call the SelectorParser 
>> constructor with at least a string reader. The problem is when you go 
>> to run ReInit with the actual selector it throws a NPE. So in 
>> SelectorParser.jj add the following to the no-args constructor
>> this(new StringReader(""));
>> Boolean slector still does not work ... looking ....
>> Jason Dillon wrote:
>>> Can you please verify that things are still broken with the latest CVS
>>> (with the changes I just commited).  Please submit a testcase, if you
>>> are in there and finding problems just throw something together and
>>> submit it.
>>> --jason
>>> On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 17:52, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> Actually it's worse than that. If you change the default parser to 
>>>> SelectorParser, nothing works! So a simple slector like type='cadex' 
>>>> bombs.
>>>> Jason Dillon wrote:
>>>>> I did not think we were using the old parser anymore... Is there a
>>>>> reason this is still around after Scott reimplemented in JavaCC?
>>>>> --jason
>>>>> On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 16:53, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>>> After having a bad day trying to get a message selector working 
>>>>>> for a topic listener I came across a few bugs.
>>>>>> 1) If the message selector is invalid but the connection is not 
>>>>>> started but no error is thrown. So if you createTopicSession  then 
>>>>>> createSubscriber and then start the connection the connection 
>>>>>> looks good but there are no messages delivered. (I spent most of 
>>>>>> the day trying to sort this one out)
>>>>>> 2) The message selectors do not seem to like boolean types. My 
>>>>>> query is
>>>>>> app_id='AK' and production=TRUE
>>>>>> 3) What parser are we using for the message selectors. I thought 
>>>>>> we were using javacc and jms.jj. But in Selector the default is 
>>>>>> set to parser which is from jms.y. I don't even think this thing 
>>>>>> is getting re-processed. I did swicth the default to 
>>>>>> SelectorParser but that did not work as well.
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --- SelectorParser.jj Wed Feb 13 23:59:07 2002
> +++     Wed Feb 13 23:58:48 2002
> @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
>     public SelectorParser()
>     {
> +    this(new StringReader(""));
>     }
>  }
>  PARSER_END(SelectorParser)
> @@ -72,9 +73,7 @@
>  TOKEN :
>  {
> -  < TRUE: "TRUE" | "true" >
> -  | < FALSE: "FALSE" | "false" >
> -  | < BOOLEAN: <TRUE> | <FALSE> >
> +  < BOOLEAN: "TRUE" | "true" | "FALSE" | "false"  >
>    | < NULL: "NULL" | "null" >
>    | < AND: "AND" | "and" >
>    | < NOT: "NOT" >

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