> Off topic (a little), but where soes server.policy
> get used?
> Is there a way to setup a policy after starting the
> vm.  I know that you 
> can do this from the cl, but I am not aware of a way
> to do it afterwards.
> --jason

Running under a SecurityManager is broken in 3.0
All jars get copied into tmp/ and prefixed with a
"random" number. There's no way to specify the codebase,
short of guessing.

I've got a patch that *nearly* fixes it, but I'm not
sure it's worth it.
The patch involves modifying getPermissions() to
redirect the codebase to the original deployment.

Also extra permissions need adding to allow getResource()
from the tmp/ codebase.

JDK1.4 has support for dynamic policy changes.

How exactly do you specify the codebase for a sar
inside ear anyway?


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