Can you give a specific example of something that doesn't work the way you
want that doesn't involve a .war?

AFAIK you can make mbeans wait for ejbs, datasources,... anything
represented by a non-jsr77 mbean.

You can't make anything that isn't deployed from a *service.xml file wait
for anything.

I'd like to implement some kind of "wait for me" behavior based on
ejb-refs, resource-refs, etc, however these are based on jndi not mbeans so
some translation between the jndi name and the auto-generated mbean name
for whatever mbean is representing the thing bound in jndi will be
necessary.  I was thinking of doing this a bit later when I hope to be
working on my idea of "convert all dds to *service-xml format, then deploy
with SARDeployer" idea.

I don't really see why warnings would be necessary to be spec compliant. 
Being able to get a list of waiting mbeans would be highly desirable

david jencks

On 2002.03.10 11:07:26 -0500 Adrian Brock wrote:
> Can we go back to having to the application deployers
> in deploy/
> That way users can specify MBean dependencies on their
> datasources, web-containers and messaging.

> I more fine grained approach would be better for ejbs.
> Allowing delayed deployment based on resource-refs,
> ejb-refs, etc. Warnings would have to be issued to stay
> spec compliant. Failure of one satisfied ref would
> delay the whole package?
> Regards,
> Adrian
> > Bugs item #527876, was opened at 2002-03-09 20:16
> > You can respond by visiting: 
> >
> > &aid=527876&group_id=22866
> > 
> > Category: JBossServer
> > Group: v3.0 Rabbit Hole
> > Status: Open
> > Resolution: None
> > Priority: 5
> > Submitted By: Adrian Brock (ejort)
> > Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
> > Summary: Deployment order still wrong
> > 
> > Initial Comment:
> > The deployment order is still broken for ears.
> > 
> > I'm reporting it as a bug so others can monitor for
> > the fix.
> > 
> > To reproduce.
> > 1) add an ear with a war inside to deploy/ 
> > 2) remove jetty-plugin.sar
> > 3) rebuild
> > 
> > The rebuilt Jetty is loaded after the ear,
> > the war never gets deployed.
> > 
> > Similar problems for other dependencies. Database
> > and messaging.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Adrian
> > 
> > ------------------------------------------------------
> > ---------------
> > 
> > You can respond by visiting: 
> >
> > &aid=527876&group_id=22866
> > 
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