on 07-04-2 23.48, Jason Dillon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> It growed on me to be able to have all listerners
>> (NAME:PORT) registred in a component for easy access
>> by other components, to be able to understand
>> what ports are running in the WM and be JMX intra-machine
>> negotiation capable.
>> what do You think ? ...
> I think it is a good idea also, but perhaps difficult/tricky to implement in a
> generic fashion. 

It is easy - I send You some "birds" ! ...

> I have not thought about this in much detail, so perhaps it
> is easier than I expect.
XP == Messure Twice Cut Once ... or was that ZEN ... I forget - heh...

> If you have a design + usage schenarios for the current set of port using
> components which JBoss uses, I would be interested to see it.

I would like to get feedback from U all before trying to cut a first
implementation ...


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