> I attached before and after traces to the original message, but had 
> mistakenly not saved the right after traces (was comparing initial 
> startup and a redployment). 

It *looks*, like your before might still have your changes in it... as 
it shows the trace for NPE first... but I am not sure.  If that is the 
behavior of the current version, then it should be fixed.  When I catch 
an exception & print its stack, then I expect the first trace to be the 
exception that I caught, then the first nexted and so on.

> Anyway, here are the right versions.
> I'm not trying to show less info, just the same info in a slightly 
> more intuitive layout.  In the case of the exception I was working on, 
> "nested" only printed the name of the exception again 
> "NullPointerException" which was already being printed by the stack trace.

The reason why I put these here, is that when you are printing the 
strack, you need this information.

Please leave these as is, unless the order is not as I described above.


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