You can give the testsuite a "" file overriding the 
servername. I've got a config that I use to run marathon on my laptop 
against my 'big' machine at home. I can send this out this evening, if 
anyone is interested. Unfortunately I don't have that stuff with me 
right now.

As far as my .02$ on the JNDI name goes, the 'hostname' part really 
ought to be configurable. The current default is fine, but can we 
override it? I don't think it matters whether that goes in the middle 
(as currently) or at the beginning (as Hiram suggests), but having it be 
configurable is (I think) important. Is there any interaction between 
this anc clustering?

Wow, that killed a lot of electrons for $.02!


Francisco Reverbel wrote:
> On Sun, 12 May 2002, Jason Dillon wrote:
>>Currently we are binding to "jmx:<hostname>:rmi" which is fine when you are
>>working with the localhost, but will start to cause problems once used in a
>>multi-host environment.
> ...
>>So for a client on a remote host to correctly make use of the or any
>>other simialr tool using the jmx adapter it will have to have knowledge of the
>>servers local hostname (as returned by
>> and specify that value for
>>--server, then specify -Djava.naming.provider.url=jnp://
> This may also be an issue if you have a client running in the 
> same host as the server, but on a VM from other vendor. 
> When I run on a 
> Sun VM, I get something like "". When I do the 
> same thing on an IBM VM for Linux, I get "myhost".
> This appears to be the reason the whole testsuite fails if I use a 
> Sun VM for the server and an IBM VM for the testsuite clients (or 
> vice-versa).
> Regards,
> Francisco
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