Hi all, I've been posting about this subject a while ago, and we are 
using multi instances of jboss/eclipse and tomcat in the same machine 
for use by developers remotely. We use the approache of a multi-homed 
host, with more then one ip address.
At first we some of services out, changed the conf/jboss-services.xml 
including bind-address tags.
In one instance , we changed  jboss-service.xml inside 
jmx-html-adaptor.sar  to use other port. Is there a way to change the 
bind address instead???

Sacha Labourey wrote:

>Hello Mike,
>>If I understand your question correctly, yes (well, no to the 'dreaming'
>>question :-) ). The 'default' list of ports would either be in the config
>>file (like example below), or in each of the services' respective config
>>I think this is what you mean (?). At config-time, just specify the server
>>(default, serverA, etc) you want to run, in servicebinding-service.xml.
>>Sacha - let me know if this is NOT what you mean!
>Well, not exactly. In fact, I should simply read more carefuly your doc. I
>was thinking to something like that:
><server name="default">
>    <service name="jboss:service=Naming">
>      <listen-host-name></listen-host-name>
>      <listen-port>1099</listen-port>
>    </service>
>    <service name="jboss:service=Hypersonic">
>      <listen-host-name></listen-host-name>
>      <listen-port>1476</listen-port>
>    </service>
>    ...
><server name="serverA">
>    <default-host-name>serverA_hostname</default-host-name>
>    <!-- no service tag necessary... implicit "extend" statement -->
>or something like
><server name="default">
>    <service name="jboss:service=Naming">
>      <listen-host-name></listen-host-name>
>      <listen-port>1099</listen-port>
>    </service>
>    <service name="jboss:service=Hypersonic">
>      <listen-host-name></listen-host-name>
>      <listen-port>1476</listen-port>
>    </service>
>    ...
><server name="serverA" extends="default">
>    <default-host-name>serverA_hostname</default-host-name>
>    <!-- no service tag necessary -->
>but the default-host-name could be in the server tag as:
><server name="serverA" extends="default"
>It is just that on multi-homed computer, the port is generally the same,
>only the IP changes.
>                               Sacha
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