BTW, that's a cool idea: we should have not only the testsuite running on
different JVM/OS but the ECPERF to see the evolution of performance accross
releases (so we would need some kind of result page where each day we have a
different value). NetBeans has this.

I could set it up to run on Windows Advanced Server bi-proc if you want. I
was setting up some automated clustering testing before the training but had
issues with build/build.xml calling testsuite/build.xml (bug in buildmagic
probably) I wrote to Jason but I guess he has other priorities (such as
looking at the blue sky)

> -----Message d'origine-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]De la part de
> Stefan Reich
> Envoye : samedi, 25 janvier 2003 02:24
> Objet : [JBoss-dev] Re: how's ecperf going?
> Hi Bill,
> I am running ecperf regularly on the 3.0 and 3.2 branches. I
> accumulated a bunch of fixes for scalability and performance problems
> already, plus a few fixes for inconsistent lock usage that I will merge
> soon.
> Here are some things I noticed:
> * the test fails when I deploy the BMP version, some of the beans that
> have been created don't seem to end up in the database.
> * the CMP version must be tweaked to use the util.xml BMP version of
> the beans (search for SERIALIZABLE in the README) to work correctly
> * the CMP version doesn't deploy anymore on the current 3.2 branch
> * with the 3.2 branch I get many more spurious esceptions than with 3.0
> * a HashMap in the class CachedConnectionManager seems to be the most
> contended lock
> * JAWS checks for the existence of a PK before inserting a new row in
> the database. This is pretty expensive.
> * the LogInterceptor usage of the NDC class makes it a global source of
> contention
> * TxInterceptorCMP suspends and resumes a transaction in all cases,
> sometimes even twice. This can be very expensive, especially with
> global transactions.
> Since I am running the tests on PowerPC Macs and the Apple VM it is
> hard to compare the results with other platforms.
> Stefan
> On Thursday, Jan 23, 2003, at 19:11 US/Pacific, Bill Burke wrote:
> > Are you getting decent results?  I heard from Scott that you've made
> > some
> > improvements.  Need me to merge your changes at all?  Just want to know
> > what's up.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Bill Burke
> > Chief Architect
> > JBoss Group, LLC
> >
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