Hello Mr. Baxman,

HB> thanks a lot for the great work.

HB> on macosx i have had difficulties to setup the remote connection
HB> connection to the vm revoked.

HB> the remote debugging line on page 7 in the pdf docs should read:

HB> -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt\_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=10250
I wrote the first version of the guide with latex and I forget to remove
the \.
HB> without any spaces and runjdwp is an -X option ...
Yes, sorry for that.
HB> -Xnoagent and -classic may be of help, idnk

HB> copied from scotts & marcs jboss book, page 27

HB> (BTW: which log file should one study in
HB> this case?) and to setup the jdk config:

HB> - the jbosside config mentions that this is _not_ a jdk, but it should
HB> be
HB> - one may add a new jre, but am not able to change (edit) it afterwards
You can go to Window>Preferences>Java>Installed JREs to do that.
HB> may the source be with you

HB> bax
Very nice to hear from you Holger.


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