On Thursday, February 13, 2003, at 01:46 PM, Toby Allsopp wrote:

My advice, FWIW, is to stop messing around and just use util.concurrent
by Doug Lea
(http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/classes/EDU/oswego/cs/dl/util/concurrent/ intro.html).
There aren't many people who can prove that their tricky concurrent Java
code is correct, but Doug Lea can. Just use
EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.ConcurrentReaderHashMap and sleep at
I see no reason to bring out an aircraft carrier when a dingy will do. The concurrent package is just a behemoth when we could just simply synchronize the access correctly and simply. I bet that if you correct and simple synchronization, the performance difference would be barely measurable.

I say to it correctly and simply; if it latter *proves* to be slow, we fix it. What it that Kunth quote "early optimization is the root of all evil"?


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