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Adrian Brock wrote:
On Mon, 2003-07-07 at 07:38, Jan Bartel wrote:


There appear to be a couple of anomalies in the handling of bean references (ie ejb-ref and ejb-local-ref) elements of the web.xml and ejb-jar.xml descriptors.

Firstly, the war deployer and the ejb deployer handle ejb-ref elements differently. The war deployer (org.jboss.web.AbstractWebContainer) always looks first for a jndi-name element in a matching ejb-ref element in jboss-web.xml, only falling back to looking for an ejb-link element in the ejb-jar.xml when no jndi-name has been provided. On the other hand, the ejb deployer (org.jboss.ejb.Container) always looks first for an ejb-link element, only falling back to the jndi-element if no ejb-link is specified. Both deployers should handle the ejb-ref element in the same way, and I'd argue that it is 'more correct' to look for the ejb-link name first, as this is provided in the spec, and only fallback to the application server-specific jboss.xml and jboss-web.xml descriptor elements where no ejb-link has been provided.

Making that change would break previously working configurations,
where both are specified and it is inconsistent.

IMHO if the user specifies a jndi-name it should be used, it provides
an exact binding.
Unless the url#ejb-name format is used, ejb-link is not
as deterministic.

OK, fine we could elect to always try the jboss specific mechanism of jndi-name first, and fallback to the ejb-link name. But, you do agree that this should be consistent between war and ejb, right?

The best way to cater for this change would be to provide
an option on the ejb deployer for the old behaviour.
What about an approach whereby both war and ejb deployers always try the jndi-name first, and if there is none specificied, or if the jndi-name is not bound, or if the jndi-name is bound to the wrong home class, we fallback to the ejb-link name? That wouldn't require any extra config switches and would cover the situation where beans in existing deployments have specified both and the jndi-name is wrong.

Secondly, the handling of ejb-local-refs is very different to ejb-refs. Both the war and the ejb deployers look exclusively for an ejb-link element. Ie there is no possibility to provide the jndi-name of the referenced bean as there is with ejb-refs. Is there any reason why this is handled differently? By that I mean, why shouldn't the ejb-local-ref attempt to locate a jndi-name element in a jboss specific descriptor as a fallback? It would make things much more symmetrical if this was the case.

Assuming that symmetry would be desirable, I propose an addition to the jboss-web.xml and jboss.xml descriptors to add this element:
The ejb-local-ref element is used to give the jndi-name of an
ejb reference. This is an alternative to using ejb-link in ejb-jar.xml

  Used in: entity, session, and message-driven
<!ELEMENT ejb-local-ref (ejb-ref-name , jndi-name)>

Modifications would be necessary to several source files including org.jboss.metadata.BeanMetaData, org.jboss.metadata.EjbLocalRefMetaData,
org.jboss.web.AbstractWebContainer and org.jboss.ejb.Container.

If these changes are acceptable, I am almost ready to commit them, but it appears I no longer have CVS write access?? Can I get it back again to commit these changes?

ejb-local-refs are only intended for ejbs in the same deployment
so ejb-link should suffice, but the spec is not very explicit.
The way jboss works, this won't be a problem.
It should not break any existing deployments.
Sorry, but I'm not sure what you mean - do you mean that you are or aren't in favour of making the handling consistent, and therefore introducing the ejb-local-ref element?



 * Jan Bartel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * Associate
 * Core Developers Network LLC

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