Jeremy Boynes wrote:
Scott Stark wrote:
There is no need for an ejb-local-ref in the JBoss specific descriptors as
the ejb-link element handles this in the standard descriptor.
There is no reason
why the metadata needs to be expanded to allow for specifying the
local home
jndi name.


There is, because ejb-link is optional:
<!ELEMENT ejb-local-ref
  (description?, ejb-ref-name, ejb-ref-type,
   local-home, local, ejb-link?)>

and if it's not there you need to be able to specify the target's


I agree with Scott. Having a element be optional in the DTD doesn't mean it optional for a correct deployment. The intent is that a deployment descriptor may be written by a developer without the ejb-link. The link will be specified later by the deployer or integrator.


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