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Ant Error Message: file:/home/build/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-head.xml:80: exec returned: -122
Date of build: 05/25/2004 22:36:37
Time to build: 13 minutes 28 seconds
Last changed: 05/25/2004 22:03:50
Last log entry: no message

 Unit Tests: (0)
No Tests Run
This project doesn't have any tests

 Modifications since last build:  (127)
1.19modifiedbelabancache/docs/design/todo.txtno message
1.31modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/metadata/MessageDrivenMetaData.javaBug [960488] bugs in jca config properties
1.2modifiedejortconnector/src/main/org/jboss/resource/deployment/ActivationSpecFactory.javaBug [960488] bugs in jca config properties
1.3modifiedejortconnector/src/main/org/jboss/resource/deployment/ResourceAdapterFactory.javaBug [960488] bugs in jca config properties
1.6modifiedstarksmvaria/src/main/org/jboss/invocation/http/servlet/InvokerServlet.javaIf the invocation carries no auth context, look to to the authcontext of this servlet as seen in the SecurityAssocation. This allowsthe web app authentication to transparently be used as the callauthentication. See [ 945287 ] Support client cert auth. in InvokerServletby Rolf Arne Corneliussen.
1.74modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/plugins/EntityInstanceInterceptor.javaDon't discard a bean instance if an application error is thrownoutside a transaction.
1.3modifiedejorttestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/exception/EntityExceptionUnitTestCase.javaRemove tests with unclear behaviour in the spec.
1.3modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/enterprise/deploy/shared/ModuleType.javaUse the string table value for the toString result and include the'.' in the extension value.
1.4modifiedkabkhanaop/src/resources/test/basic/jboss-aop.xmlAdded aspects to intercept calls to the reflection API.
1.3modifiedkabkhanaop/src/main/org/jboss/test/aop/basic/AOPTester.javaAdded aspects to intercept calls to the reflection API.
1.1addedkabkhanaop/src/main/org/jboss/test/aop/basic/ReflectionAopPOJO.javaAdded aspects to intercept calls to the reflection API.
1.1addedkabkhanaop/src/main/org/jboss/test/aop/basic/ReflectionAopRootPOJO.javaAdded aspects to intercept calls to the reflection API.
1.1addedkabkhanaop/src/main/org/jboss/test/aop/basic/ReflectionAspectTester.javaAdded aspects to intercept calls to the reflection API.
1.1addedkabkhanaop/src/main/org/jboss/test/aop/basic/ReflectionPOJO.javaAdded aspects to intercept calls to the reflection API.
1.1addedkabkhanaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/reflection/ReflectionAspect.javaAdded aspects to intercept calls to the reflection API.
1.5modifiedbwang00thirdparty/ws4ee/lib/axis-ws4ee.jarUpdated with port to saaj1.2
1.4modifiedejortconnector/src/etc/example-config/mssql-xa-ds.xmlPort MSSQL XA fix from 3.2
1.57modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/EJBDeployer.javaPut some console logging in place for undeployment of ejbs tomirror the deployment.
1.59modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/EjbModule.javaPut some console logging in place for undeployment of ejbs tomirror the deployment.
1.41modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/MessageDrivenContainer.javaRemove duplicate logging
1.2modifiedejortconnector/src/etc/example-config/hajndi-jms-ds.xmlPort JNDIProviderAdapter from 3.2 and remove JBossMQProviderAdapterdeprecated in 3.2
1.8modifiedejortconnector/src/etc/example-config/jms-ds.xmlPort JNDIProviderAdapter from 3.2 and remove JBossMQProviderAdapterdeprecated in 3.2
1.4modifiedejortconnector/src/main/org/jboss/resource/adapter/jms/TestClient.javaPort JNDIProviderAdapter from 3.2 and remove JBossMQProviderAdapterdeprecated in 3.2
1.8modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/jms/jndi/AbstractJMSProviderAdapter.javaPort JNDIProviderAdapter from 3.2 and remove JBossMQProviderAdapterdeprecated in 3.2
1.10deletedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/jms/jndi/JBossMQProvider.javaPort JNDIProviderAdapter from 3.2 and remove JBossMQProviderAdapterdeprecated in 3.2
1.7modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/jms/jndi/JMSProviderAdapter.javaPort JNDIProviderAdapter from 3.2 and remove JBossMQProviderAdapterdeprecated in 3.2
1.21modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/jms/jndi/JMSProviderLoader.javaPort JNDIProviderAdapter from 3.2 and remove JBossMQProviderAdapterdeprecated in 3.2
1.2modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/jms/jndi/JNDIProviderAdapter.javaPort JNDIProviderAdapter from 3.2 and remove JBossMQProviderAdapterdeprecated in 3.2
1.6modifiedejortserver/src/resources/dtd/jboss_3_2.dtdFix a typo
1.323modifiedtdieslerbuild/build.xml+ put axis-ws4ee.jar in client instead of axis.jar+ note this might break
1.3modifiedtdieslerthirdparty/ws4ee/README.txtadd the basic profile comment
1.4modifiedtdieslerthirdparty/ws4ee/lib/axis-ws4ee.jar+ fix the child node handling in MessageElement+ add a few testcases+ get the axis test suite up to speedPLEASE MAKE SUREyou run "ant clean all-tests" before updating this jar
1.2modifiedtdieslerthirdparty/ws4ee/README.txt+ fix the child node handling in MessageElement+ add a few testcases+ get the axis test suite up to speedPLEASE MAKE SUREyou run "ant clean all-tests" before updating this jar
1.5modifiedejortserver/src/resources/dtd/jboss_3_2.dtdcall-by-value is now available in 3.2
1.3modifiedejortserver/src/resources/dtd/jboss-app_4_0.dtdjmx-name is now in jboss-3.2
1.2modifiedejortserver/src/resources/dtd/jboss-app_3_2.dtdjmx-name is now in jboss-3.2
1.35modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/deployment/EARDeployer.javaDon't automatically install a loader repository if the ear is embeddedin another deployment.Fix a typo destroy->stop
1.121modifiedbelabancache/src/main/org/jboss/cache/TreeCache.javaadded getTransactionManager()
1.12modifiedbelabancache/src/main/org/jboss/cache/loader/CacheLoader.javaadded exception to commit() method
1.7modifiedbelabancache/src/main/org/jboss/cache/Modification.javaapplied patch as suggested by Mark Hayes
1.17modifiedjuhalindforssystem/src/main/org/jboss/deployment/ reformat code- removed some empty if blocks- don't use stringified urls in xml parser, encoding whitespace in string url is not working correctly.
1.120modifiedbelabancache/src/main/org/jboss/cache/TreeCache.javachanged to use correct MethodCall invocation
1.7modifiedbelabanremoting/src/main/test/DistributedTestCase.javachanged to use correct MethodCall invocation of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums of ejb3 annotations and interfaces and enums
1.58modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/EjbModule.javaTypo in a comment
1.1addedejorttestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/isolation/interfaces/a/SessionA.javabranches: 1.1.2;Add a test for two ears in isolated classloaders wherean ejb in one ear invokes an ejb in the other ear.
1.1addedejorttestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/isolation/interfaces/a/SessionAHome.javabranches: 1.1.2;Add a test for two ears in isolated classloaders wherean ejb in one ear invokes an ejb in the other ear.
1.1addedejorttestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/isolation/ejb/a/SessionAEJB.javabranches: 1.1.2;Add a test for two ears in isolated classloaders wherean ejb in one ear invokes an ejb in the other ear.
1.1addedejorttestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/isolation/ejb/b/SessionBEJB.javabranches: 1.1.2;Add a test for two ears in isolated classloaders wherean ejb in one ear invokes an ejb in the other ear.
1.1addedejorttestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/isolation/interfaces/b/SessionB.javabranches: 1.1.2;Add a test for two ears in isolated classloaders wherean ejb in one ear invokes an ejb in the other ear.
1.1addedejorttestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/isolation/interfaces/b/SessionBHome.javabranches: 1.1.2;Add a test for two ears in isolated classloaders wherean ejb in one ear invokes an ejb in the other ear.
1.1addedejorttestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/isolation/test/IsolationUnitTestCase.javabranches: 1.1.2;Add a test for two ears in isolated classloaders wherean ejb in one ear invokes an ejb in the other ear.
1.1addedejorttestsuite/src/resources/isolation/b/ear/META-INF/application.xmlbranches: 1.1.2;Add a test for two ears in isolated classloaders wherean ejb in one ear invokes an ejb in the other ear.
1.1addedejorttestsuite/src/resources/isolation/a/ear/META-INF/application.xmlbranches: 1.1.2;Add a test for two ears in isolated classloaders wherean ejb in one ear invokes an ejb in the other ear.
1.1addedejorttestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/isolation/interfaces/IsolationDTO.javabranches: 1.1.2;Add a test for two ears in isolated classloaders wherean ejb in one ear invokes an ejb in the other ear.
1.368modifiedejorttestsuite/build.xmlAdd a test for two ears in isolated classloaders wherean ejb in one ear invokes an ejb in the other ear.
1.1addedejorttestsuite/src/resources/isolation/a/ejb/META-INF/ejb-jar.xmlbranches: 1.1.2;Add a test for two ears in isolated classloaders wherean ejb in one ear invokes an ejb in the other ear.
1.1addedejorttestsuite/src/resources/isolation/a/ejb/META-INF/jboss.xmlbranches: 1.1.2;Add a test for two ears in isolated classloaders wherean ejb in one ear invokes an ejb in the other ear.
1.1addedejorttestsuite/src/resources/isolation/b/ejb/META-INF/ejb-jar.xmlbranches: 1.1.2;Add a test for two ears in isolated classloaders wherean ejb in one ear invokes an ejb in the other ear.
1.2modifiedejortserver/src/resources/dtd/jboss-app_4_0.dtdAdd support for two new attributes on the EARDeployerIsolated = true : automatically create a scoped loader repository for the earCallByValue = true : make all ejbs remote interfaces call by valueAdditionally create a dummy EARDeployment MBean suchthat other MBeans can depend upon the EAR lifecycle.This should expand in the future to control the subdeployment lifecycleand also fail the whole EAR deployment where one subdeployment fails.
1.37modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/proxy/ejb/ProxyFactory.javaAdd support for two new attributes on the EARDeployerIsolated = true : automatically create a scoped loader repository for the earCallByValue = true : make all ejbs remote interfaces call by valueAdditionally create a dummy EARDeployment MBean suchthat other MBeans can depend upon the EAR lifecycle.This should expand in the future to control the subdeployment lifecycleand also fail the whole EAR deployment where one subdeployment fails.
1.165modifiedejortserver/build.xmlAdd support for two new attributes on the EARDeployerIsolated = true : automatically create a scoped loader repository for the earCallByValue = true : make all ejbs remote interfaces call by valueAdditionally create a dummy EARDeployment MBean suchthat other MBeans can depend upon the EAR lifecycle.This should expand in the future to control the subdeployment lifecycleand also fail the whole EAR deployment where one subdeployment fails.
1.34modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/deployment/EARDeployer.javaAdd support for two new attributes on the EARDeployerIsolated = true : automatically create a scoped loader repository for the earCallByValue = true : make all ejbs remote interfaces call by valueAdditionally create a dummy EARDeployment MBean suchthat other MBeans can depend upon the EAR lifecycle.This should expand in the future to control the subdeployment lifecycleand also fail the whole EAR deployment where one subdeployment fails.
1.1addedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/deployment/EARDeployment.javabranches: 1.1.2;Add support for two new attributes on the EARDeployerIsolated = true : automatically create a scoped loader repository for the earCallByValue = true : make all ejbs remote interfaces call by valueAdditionally create a dummy EARDeployment MBean suchthat other MBeans can depend upon the EAR lifecycle.This should expand in the future to control the subdeployment lifecycleand also fail the whole EAR deployment where one subdeployment fails.
1.8modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/deployment/J2eeApplicationMetaData.javaAdd support for two new attributes on the EARDeployerIsolated = true : automatically create a scoped loader repository for the earCallByValue = true : make all ejbs remote interfaces call by valueAdditionally create a dummy EARDeployment MBean suchthat other MBeans can depend upon the EAR lifecycle.This should expand in the future to control the subdeployment lifecycleand also fail the whole EAR deployment where one subdeployment fails.
1.150modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/Container.javaAdd support for two new attributes on the EARDeployerIsolated = true : automatically create a scoped loader repository for the earCallByValue = true : make all ejbs remote interfaces call by valueAdditionally create a dummy EARDeployment MBean suchthat other MBeans can depend upon the EAR lifecycle.This should expand in the future to control the subdeployment lifecycleand also fail the whole EAR deployment where one subdeployment fails.
1.56modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/EJBDeployer.javaAdd support for two new attributes on the EARDeployerIsolated = true : automatically create a scoped loader repository for the earCallByValue = true : make all ejbs remote interfaces call by valueAdditionally create a dummy EARDeployment MBean suchthat other MBeans can depend upon the EAR lifecycle.This should expand in the future to control the subdeployment lifecycleand also fail the whole EAR deployment where one subdeployment fails.
1.57modifiedejortserver/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/EjbModule.javaAdd support for two new attributes on the EARDeployerIsolated = true : automatically create a scoped loader repository for the earCallByValue = true : make all ejbs remote interfaces call by valueAdditionally create a dummy EARDeployment MBean suchthat other MBeans can depend upon the EAR lifecycle.This should expand in the future to control the subdeployment lifecycleand also fail the whole EAR deployment where one subdeployment fails.
1.3modifiedbelabancluster/src/main/org/jboss/ha/singleton/HASingletonSupport.javachanged to use correct MethodCall invocation
1.7modifiedbelabanmanagement/src/main/org/jboss/management/j2ee/cluster/HAManagementService.javachanged to use correct MethodCall invocation
1.7modifiedbelabancluster/src/main/org/jboss/cache/invalidation/bridges/JGCacheInvalidationBridge.javachanged to use correct MethodCall invocation
1.4modifiedbelabancluster/src/main/org/jboss/ha/jndi/TreeHead.javachanged to use correct MethodCall invocation
1.5modifiedbelabancluster/src/main/org/jboss/ha/jmx/HAServiceMBeanSupport.javachanged to use correct MethodCall invocation
1.15modifiedbelabancluster/src/main/org/jboss/ha/hasessionstate/server/HASessionStateImpl.javachanged to use correct MethodCall invocation
1.16modifiedbelabancluster/src/main/org/jboss/ha/framework/server/FarmMemberService.javachanged to use correct MethodCall invocation
1.40modifiedbelabancluster/src/main/org/jboss/ha/framework/server/HAPartitionImpl.javachanged to use correct MethodCall invocation
1.15modifiedbelabancluster/src/main/org/jboss/ha/framework/server/DistributedStateImpl.javachanged to use correct MethodCall invocation
1.23modifiedbelabancluster/src/main/org/jboss/ha/framework/server/DistributedReplicantManagerImpl.javachanged to use correct MethodCall invocation
1.10modifiedbelabancluster/src/main/org/jboss/ha/framework/interfaces/HAPartition.javachanged to use correct MethodCall invocation
1.39modifiedbelabancluster/src/main/org/jboss/ha/framework/server/HAPartitionImpl.javachanged to use correct MethodCall invocation
1.2deletedbelabanthirdparty/javagroups-javagroups/lib/JGroups-2.2.3.src.zipupgraded JGroups to 2.2.5
1.3modifiedbelabanthirdparty/javagroups-javagroups/lib/README.txtupgraded JGroups to 2.2.5
1.6modifiedbelabanthirdparty/javagroups-javagroups/lib/jgroups.jarupgraded JGroups to 2.2.5

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