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Ant Error Message: file:/home/build/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-head.xml:80: exec returned: -122
Date of build: 06/08/2004 20:45:16
Time to build: 12 minutes 35 seconds
Last changed: 06/08/2004 20:25:16
Last log entry: Add assertion for non null wsdl file

 Unit Tests: (0)
No Tests Run
This project doesn't have any tests

 Modifications since last build:  (29)
1.6modifiedtdieslerserver/src/main/org/jboss/webservice/WSDLDefinitionFactory.javaAdd assertion for non null wsdl file
1.19modifiedtdieslerwebservice/src/main/org/jboss/webservice/AxisService.javaSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.5deletedtdieslerwebservice/src/main/org/jboss/webservice/WSDDGenerator.javaSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.2deletedtdieslerwebservice/samples/server-web/resources/WEB-INF/wsdl/Organization.wsdlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.1addedtdieslerwebservice/samples/server-web/resources/WEB-INF/wsdl/server-web.wsdlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.6modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/server-web/resources/WEB-INF/webservices.xmlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.2deletedtdieslerwebservice/samples/server-ejb/resources/META-INF/wsdl/Organization.wsdlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.1addedtdieslerwebservice/samples/server-ejb/resources/META-INF/wsdl/server-ejb.wsdlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.5modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/server-web/build.xmlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.2modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/server-web/java/com/underworld/crimeportal/web/OrganizationEndpointImpl.javaSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.7modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/server-ejb/resources/META-INF/webservices.xmlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.7modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/server-ejb/build.xmlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.3modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/server-ejb/java/com/underworld/crimeportal/ejb/OrganizationBean.javaSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.3modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/server-ejb/java/com/underworld/crimeportal/ejb/OrganizationRemote.javaSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.2deletedtdieslerwebservice/samples/common/resources/wsdl/OrganizationClientEJB.wsdlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.2deletedtdieslerwebservice/samples/common/resources/wsdl/OrganizationClientJSE.wsdlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.1addedtdieslerwebservice/samples/common/resources/wsdl/server-ejb.wsdlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.1addedtdieslerwebservice/samples/common/resources/wsdl/server-web.wsdlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.1addedtdieslerwebservice/samples/common/java/com/underworld/crimeportal/OrganizationAddress.javaSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.3modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/common/java/com/underworld/crimeportal/OrganizationEndpoint.javaSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.2modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/common/resources/OrganizationMapping.xmlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.5modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/client-web/build.xmlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.6modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/client-web/resources/WEB-INF/web.xmlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.6modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/client-ejb/build.xmlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.7modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/client-ejb/resources/META-INF/ejb-jar.xmlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.7modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/client-appl/build.xmlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.7modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/client-appl/resources/META-INF/application-client.xmlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.22modifiedtdieslerwebservice/build.xmlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache
1.2modifiedtdieslerwebservice/samples/build.xmlSupport multiple ports in wsdd generator.Add type mapping to samples (not functioanl yet).Get ready for client side type mapping (not functioanl yet).I can see the linkage error, which is probably due to the axis class cache

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