Hello !

During deployment of my webservice (JSE) a warning in the server log shows up stating 
there is a problem with my typemapping. I'm using JBoss 4.0.0RC2.
The warning is:
2004-09-14 09:20:02,628 WARN  [org.jboss.webservice.deployment.TypeMappingDescription] 
Class not found: de.emediapark.lvsws.ArrayOfLVSDoSupplier
The class LVSDoSupplier itself is correctly mapped as stated in the log
several lines prior to this warning.
There is a function getSuppliers() that returns LVSDoSupplier[] Array.
This warning didnt't show up deploying the same web service under Tomcat/Axis wtihout 
I wouldn't mind if i hadn't this annoying problem:
Accessing the getSuppliers() function (viaPocketSOAP) from Windows NT4/VB everything 
is correct (the retruned array is filled with the right data), but on Win2000/XP the 
data in the returned array is empty although the correct number of array elements is 
contained. The function getSupplier() which returns a single LVSDoSupplier Object is 
OK on all platforms. The getSuppliers() function was ok on all platforms before 
switching to JBossWS.

So I think i must start with the above mentioned warning.

For completeness: here is my type mapping from ws4ee-deployment.xml

TIA Gerhard

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